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10 . 0.75
11 . 0.55
12 . Answers will vary.
Sample Answer: One possibility is to obtain the class roster and assign each student a number from 1 to 200. Then use a random number generator or table of random number to generate 30 numbers between 1 and 200, and select the students matching the random numbers. It would also be acceptable to write each student’s name on a card, shuffle them in a box, and draw 30 names at random.
13 . One possibility would be to obtain a roster of students enrolled in the college, including the class standing for each student. Then you would draw a proportionate random sample from within each class (for instance, if 30 percent of the students in the college are freshman, then 30 percent of your sample would be drawn from the freshman class).
14 . For the first person picked, the chance of any individual being selected is one in 150. For the second person, it is one in 149, for the third it is one in 148, and so on. For the 30th person selected, the chance of selection is one in 121.
15 . a
16 . No. There are at least two chances for bias. First, the viewers of this particular program may not be representative of American football fans as a whole. Second, the sample will be self-selected, because people have to make a phone call in order to take part, and those people are probably not representative of the American football fan population as a whole.
17 . These results (84 percent in one sample, 86 percent in the other) are probably due to sampling variability. Each researcher drew a different sample of children, and you would not expect them to get exactly the same result, although you would expect the results to be similar, as they are in this case.
18 . No. The improvement could also be due to self-selection: only motivated students were willing to sign the contract, and they would have done well even in a school with 6.5 hour days. Because both changes were implemented at the same time, it is not possible to separate out their influence.
19 . At least two aspects of this poll are troublesome. The first is that it was conducted by a group who would benefit by the result—almond sales are likely to increase if people believe that eating almonds will make them happier. The second is that this poll found that almond consumption and life satisfaction are correlated, but does not establish that eating almonds causes satisfaction. It is equally possible, for instance, that people with higher incomes are more likely to eat almonds, and are also more satisfied with their lives.
20 . You want the sample of people who take part in a survey to be representative of the population from which they are drawn. People who refuse to take part in a survey often have different views than those who do participate, and so even a random sample may produce biased results if a large percentage of those selected refuse to participate in a survey.
21 . 13.2
22 .
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