Author: AlinaIoana Florea
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Question 289 / 297:  (SCJP 6) Find the errors in:
Choose 3
static class X // line 1


static { a = 3; } // line 2

static X() {} // line 1

int a;

static int b;

void doX(){ System.out.println("In X" + a + b); } // line 3

static void doStuff() { System.out.println("In X" + /*a*/ + b); } // line 4


public class Test extends X


public static void main(String[] args)


X x = new X();


x.doStuff(); // line 5

X.doStuff(); // line 5.2


void doStuff() // line 6


System.out.println("In Test");



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Code marked with "static" belongs only to the class(will not be created per obj). Therefor in a static method you can call only static vars, as the non-static/object ones might not exist yet.

So it's possible to call static members on their class without an obj: line 5.2.

But it's OK to call it on an obj too: line 5 (as all objs can access everything inside their class).

line 1 - a constructor is used only when an object is created with the "new" operator

line 2 - a static initialization block runs to initialize the static vars, so after the class and its static vars are created for the first time in memory by the JVM.

lines 4 - the comments are needed bc in a static method you can NOT use non-static vars. The reverse is valid: non-static methods can use static vars bc they exist already since the class was created.

If the app is corrected it will print:

In Test

In X3

In X3

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