Introduction to Psychology MCQ 2011#1

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An illustration shows the outlines of two human heads facing toward one another, with several photographs of people spread across the background.
Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. (credit "background": modification of work by Nattachai Noogure; credit "top left": modification of work by U.S. Navy; credit "top middle-left": modification of work by Peter Shanks; credit "top middle-right": modification of work by "devinf"/Flickr; credit "top right": modification of work by Alejandra Quintero Sinisterra; credit "bottom left": modification of work by Gabriel Rocha; credit "bottom middle-left": modification of work by Caleb Roenigk; credit "bottom middle-right": modification of work by Staffan Scherz; credit "bottom right": modification of work by Czech Provincial Reconstruction Team)

Clive Wearing is an accomplished musician who lost his ability to form new memories when he became sick at the age of 46. While he can remember how to play the piano perfectly, he cannot remember what he ate for breakfast just an hour ago (Sacks, 2007). James Wannerton experiences a taste sensation that is associated with the sound of words. His former girlfriend’s name tastes like rhubarb (Mundasad, 2013). John Nash is a brilliant mathematician and Nobel Prize winner. However, while he was a professor at MIT, he would tell people that the New York Times contained coded messages from extraterrestrial beings that were intended for him. He also began to hear voices and became suspicious of the people around him. Soon thereafter, Nash was diagnosed with schizophrenia and admitted to a state-run mental institution (O’Connor&Robertson, 2002). Nash was the subject of the 2001 movie A Beautiful Mind . Why did these people have these experiences? How does the human brain work? And what is the connection between the brain’s internal processes and people’s external behaviors? This textbook will introduce you to various ways that the field of psychology has explored these questions.


American Board of Forensic Psychology. (2014). Brochure . Retrieved from

American Psychological Association. (2014). Retrieved from

American Psychological Association. (2014). Graduate training and career possibilities in exercise and sport psychology. Retrieved from

American Psychological Association. (2011). Psychology as a career. Retrieved from

Ashliman, D. L. (2001). Cupid and Psyche. In Folktexts: A library of folktales, folklore, fairy tales, and mythology. Retrieved from

Betancourt, H.,&López, S. R. (1993). The study of culture, ethnicity, and race in American psychology. American Psychologist , 48 , 629–637.

Black, S. R., Spence, S. A.,&Omari, S. R. (2004). Contributions of African Americans to the field of psychology. Journal of Black Studies , 35 , 40–64.

Bulfinch, T. (1855). The age of fable: Or, stories of gods and heroes . Boston, MA: Chase, Nichols and Hill.

Buss, D. M. (1989). Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 12 , 1–49.

This course is a survey of the scientific study of human nature, including how the mind works, and how the brain supports the mind. Topics include the mental and neural bases of perception, emotion, learning, memory, cognition, child development, personality, psychopathology, and social interaction. Students will consider how such knowledge relates to debates about nature and nurture, free will, consciousness, human differences, self, and society.
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Introduction to Psychology MCQ 2011#1
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46 Pages
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Sample Questions from the Introduction to Psychology MCQ 2011#1 Exam

Question: For a typical split-brain (= callosotomy) patient, if a picture of a pencil is presented in the right visual field and a picture of a hammer is presented to the left visual field and the patient is asked to identify what had been presented


the patient would say "pencil" and would pick out a hammer from an array of unseen objects with the left hand

the patient would say "hammer" and would pick out a pencil from an array of unseen objects with the left hand

the patient would say "hammer" and would pick out a hammer from an array of unseen objects with the left hand

the patient would say "pencil" and would pick out a pencil from an array of unseen objects with the left hand

Question: Evidence from patients indicates that the __________ hemisphere is specialized for local (vs. global) features of a visual object, and the __________ hemisphere is specialized for the appearance (vs. function) of a visual object, and that injuries to the __________ hemisphere result in associative (vs. apperceptive) agnosia.


left; left; right

right; left; right

left; right; left

right; right; left

Question: The parvocellular visual pathway, relative to the magnocellular visual pathway,


has many more cells, is wavelength sensitive, and has slow, sustained responses

has many fewer cells, is wavelength insensitive, and has rapid, transient responses

has many fewer cells, is wavelength insensitive, and has slow, sustained responses

has many more cells, is wavelength sensitive, and has rapid, transient responses

Question: In a social psychology experiment, white participants either forecasted (imagined) or actually experienced how they would feel and how they would behave towards a white stranger who made a racial slur about a black stranger. The findings were:


both forecasters and experiencers felt negative feelings towards the white stranger and were less likely to select the white stranger as a partner for performing a task (relative to a control condition without any slur being made)

neither forecasters nor experiencers felt negative feelings towards the white stranger and both groups were likely to select the white stranger as a partner for performing a task (relative to a control condition without any slur being made)

forecasters felt negative feelings towards the white stranger and were less likely to select the white stranger as a partner for performing the task; experiencers felt negative feelings towards the white stranger but were as likely to select the white stranger as a white stranger in a control condition without any slur being made

forecasters felt negative feelings towards the white stranger and were less likely to select the white stranger as a partner for performing the task; experiencers did not have negative feelings towards the white stranger and were as likely to select the white stranger as a white stranger in a control condition without any slur being made

Question: In a brain imaging study of empathy, men and women played a financial game with two partners, a fair player and an unfair player. In a brain imaging study of empathy, men and women played a financial game with two partners, a fair player and an unfair player. __________ showed activation in the insula when they received pain, and also when they saw the fair player receive pain. __________ showed insula activation when the unfair player received pain. __________ showed nucleus accumbens activation when the unfair player received pain. __________ reported a stronger desire for revenge against the unfair player.


Both men and women; Both men and women; Men; Men

Women; Women; Men; Men

Women; Both men and women; Women; Women

Both men and women; Women; Men; Men

Question: At what point in the human visual system are neurons or axons that code for the same visual field from the two different eyes first brought together anatomically?


rods and cones


optic chiasm

primary visual cortex

Question: Empirical evidence supports which one conclusion?


hypnosis is effective in highly hypnotizable people

the Rorschach inkblot test is a valid clinical test

medical school interviews are effective for identifying which applicants will perform well in medical school classes

praising a child’s intelligence helps them perform well on a challenging task

Question: Which of these aspects of face perception is NOT true for infants?


human infants have better memory for faces from their family’s racial group

human infants prefer top-heavy facial configurations

human infants have similar memory for human and monkey faces

monkey infants prefer seeing photographs of faces than photographs of objects the first time they see a face

Question: Experiments have shown that which manipulations can enhance one’s feelings or positive actions towards another person?


holding a warm drink relative to a cold drink just before evaluating another person

not thinking about money

rotating from table to table at a speed dating event

all of the above

Question: There are two major visual cortical pathways, the "what" and "where" pathways. The "where" pathway travels through the __________ lobe, and lesions to it impair the ability to get food rewards on the basis of __________.


temporal; object shape

parietal; object shape

temporal; object location

parietal; object location

Question: When people name line drawings or read words naming animals or tools while their brains are being imaged functionally


there is greater activation for animals than tools in visual (occipital) cortex, visual-motion cortex, and motor cortex associated with hand actions

there is greater activation for tools than animals in visual (occipital) cortex, visual-motion cortex, and motor cortex associated with hand actions

there is greater activation for animals than tools in visual (occipital) cortex, and greater activation for tools than animals in visual-motion cortex and motor cortex associated with hand actions

there is greater activation for tools than animals in visual (occipital) cortex, and greater activation for animals than tools in visual-motion cortex and motor cortex associated with hand actions

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Source:  Gabrieli, John. 9.00SC Introduction to Psychology, Fall 2011. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 2 Mar, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Stephanie Redfern
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