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Now consider what observer A sees happening. She sees the light from the right arriving before light from the left. Since both lamps are the same distance from her in her reference frame, from her perspective, the right flash occurred before the left flash. Here a relative velocity between observers affects whether two events are observed to be simultaneous. Simultaneity is not absolute

This illustrates the power of clear thinking. We might have guessed incorrectly that if light is emitted simultaneously, then two observers halfway between the sources would see the flashes simultaneously. But careful analysis shows this not to be the case. Einstein was brilliant at this type of thought experiment (in German, “Gedankenexperiment”). He very carefully considered how an observation is made and disregarded what might seem obvious. The validity of thought experiments, of course, is determined by actual observation. The genius of Einstein is evidenced by the fact that experiments have repeatedly confirmed his theory of relativity.

In summary: Two events are defined to be simultaneous if an observer measures them as occurring at the same time (such as by receiving light from the events). Two events are not necessarily simultaneous to all observers.

Time dilation

The consideration of the measurement of elapsed time and simultaneity leads to an important relativistic effect.

Time dilation

Time dilation is the phenomenon of time passing slower for an observer who is moving relative to another observer.

Suppose, for example, an astronaut measures the time it takes for light to cross her ship, bounce off a mirror, and return. (See [link] .) How does the elapsed time the astronaut measures compare with the elapsed time measured for the same event by a person on the Earth? Asking this question (another thought experiment) produces a profound result. We find that the elapsed time for a process depends on who is measuring it. In this case, the time measured by the astronaut is smaller than the time measured by the Earth-bound observer. The passage of time is different for the observers because the distance the light travels in the astronaut’s frame is smaller than in the Earth-bound frame. Light travels at the same speed in each frame, and so it will take longer to travel the greater distance in the Earth-bound frame.

For part a, an astronaut is standing inside the spaceship with an electronic timer. The timer is showing the time delta-t-zero. The astronaut has to measure time for an activity which has a mirror, the Sun as a source of light, and a receiver. A ray from the light source is striking the mirror and getting reflected back to the receiver. The distance between the source of light and mirror is given by d. For part b, the same activity is observed by a man standing on Earth. He has an electronic timer showing the time as delta-t. For the observer on earth the activity is fragmented into three portions. In the first portion, the ray of light is travelling a distance of and strikes the mirror in the second portion. The third portion shows the reflected ray of light striking the receiver represented by s and having a vertical distance of d. The horizontal distance L observed by the man from the beginning of the event till the end portion is given as L equals to velocity v into delta t upon two.
(a) An astronaut measures the time Δ t 0 for light to cross her ship using an electronic timer. Light travels a distance 2 D in the astronaut’s frame. (b) A person on the Earth sees the light follow the longer path 2 s and take a longer time Δ t . (c) These triangles are used to find the relationship between the two distances 2 D and 2 s .

To quantitatively verify that time depends on the observer, consider the paths followed by light as seen by each observer. (See [link] (c).) The astronaut sees the light travel straight across and back for a total distance of 2 D size 12{2D} {} , twice the width of her ship. The Earth-bound observer sees the light travel a total distance 2 s size 12{2s} {} . Since the ship is moving at speed v size 12{v} {} to the right relative to the Earth, light moving to the right hits the mirror in this frame. Light travels at a speed c size 12{c} {} in both frames, and because time is the distance divided by speed, the time measured by the astronaut is

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Source:  OpenStax, College physics. OpenStax CNX. Jul 27, 2015 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11406/1.9
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