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Mental Health Therapist


What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...

Remote Licensed Mental Health Therapist


What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...

Mental Health Therapist


  • US - NE - NE

  • May 6, 2024

What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...

Remote Mental Health Therapist 100 4 000 Monthly Bonus


  • US - OR - Salem

  • May 3, 2024

What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...

Mental Health Therapist


What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...

Remote Licensed Mental Health Therapist


What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...

Mental Health Therapist


What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...

Remote Licensed Mental Health Therapist


What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...

Adolescent-Focused Mental Health Therapist


What is Talkspace? Talkspace is a leading virtual behavioral healthcare platform that connects mental health therapists and counselors with clients in their licensed state(s) through an easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant app. We're committed to helping people lead healthier, happier lives through...