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Oversight and Governance Manager

Retinue Solutions

Notting Hill Genesis, one of London's biggest housing associations, is seeking an Oversight and Governance Manager to work within our new Customer Journey and Insight department. We're changing how we do things for customers and this role will be central to that change by ensuring we have robust...

External Managing Agent - Operations Manager

Retinue Solutions

What you'll do • Your primary focus will be to ensure the delivery of excellent services to residents, irrespective of tenure. Your team will manage Notting Hill Genesis' homes where an internal or external agent is in place to manage the places and estates. Undertaken through various...

Oversight and Governance Manager

Retinue Solutions

Notting Hill Genesis, one of London's biggest housing associations, is seeking an Oversight and Governance Manager to work within our new Customer Journey and Insight department. • We're changing how we do things for customers and this role will be central to that change by ensuring we have...