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AI Content Editor Tier 1


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will become an AI Content Editor, assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writers, and crafting original responses to prompts in order to...

AI Tutor Tier 1 - Est 11.00 15.00/hr


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will become an AI Content Editor, assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writers, and crafting original responses to prompts in order to...

AI Writing Evaluator Tier 1


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will coach an AI model by assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writing evaluators, and crafting original responses to prompts in order to...

English Tutor Tier 1


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will become an AI Content Editor, assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writers, and crafting original responses to prompts in order to...

AI Tutor Tier 1 15.00/hr


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will become an AI Content Editor, assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writers, and crafting original responses to prompts in order to...

AI Tutor Tier 1


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will become an AI Content Editor, assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writers, and crafting original responses to prompts in orderto...

English Tutor Tier 1


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will become an AI Content Editor, assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writers, and crafting original responses to prompts in order to...

English Tutor Tier 1 15.00/hr


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will become an AI Content Editor, assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writers, and crafting original responses to prompts in order to...

AI Content Writer Tier 1 15.00/hr


Outlier helps the world's most innovative companies improve their AI models by providing human feedback. In this role, you will become an AI Content Writer, assessing the quality of AI-generated writing, reviewing the work of fellow writers, and crafting original responses to prompts in order to...