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NET/AWS Software Engineer - Hybrid


Founded in 1994 and celebrating 30 years in business, Mindex is a software development company with a rich history of demonstrated software and product development success. We specialize in agile software development, cloud professional services, and creating our own innovative products. We are...

NET/AWS Software Engineer - Hybrid


Founded in 1994 and celebrating 30 years in business, Mindex is a software development company with a rich history of demonstrated software and product development success. We specialize in agile software development, cloud professional services, and creating our own innovative products. We are...

NET/AWS Software Engineer - Hybrid


Founded in 1994 and celebrating 30 years in business, Mindex is a software development company with a rich history of demonstrated software and product development success. We specialize in agile software development, cloud professional services, and creating our own innovative products. We are...

Receptionist Req 614


Founded in 1994 and celebrating 30 years in business, Mindex is a software development company with a rich history of demonstrated software and product development success. We specialize in agile software development, cloud professional services, and creating our own innovative products. We are...

NET/AWS Software Engineer - Hybrid


Founded in 1994 and celebrating 30 years in business, Mindex is a software development company with a rich history of demonstrated software and product development success. We specialize in agile software development, cloud professional services, and creating our own innovative products. We are...

Receptionist Req 614


Founded in 1994 and celebrating 30 years in business, Mindex is a software development company with a rich history of demonstrated software and product development success. We specialize in agile software development, cloud professional services, and creating our own innovative products. We are...