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Beyond that, there are several other tools that will make it possible for us to create more sophisticated and interesting games:

  • The ability to play sounds.
  • The ability to create onscreen text.
  • The ability to create a game with multiple levels, increasing difficulty at each level, scorekeeping, etc.

I may show you how to create some of those tools later in this series of modules. On the other hand, I may decide to leave that as an exercise for the student.


This section contains a variety of miscellaneous information.

Housekeeping material
  • Module name: Xna0128-Improving the Sprite Class
  • File: Xna0128.htm
  • Published: 02/28/14

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Affiliation :: I am a professor of Computer Information Technology at Austin Community College in Austin, TX.

Complete program listing

Complete listings of the XNA program files discussed in this module are provided in Listing 19 and Listing 20 .

Listing 19 . The class named Sprite for the project named XNA0128Proj.

/*Project XNA0128Proj * This file defines a Sprite class from which a Sprite* object can be instantiated. *******************************************************/using System; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;namespace XNA0128Proj { class Sprite {private Texture2D image; private Vector2 position = new Vector2(0,0);private Vector2 direction = new Vector2(0,0); private Point windowSize;private Random random; double elapsedTime;//in milliseconds//The following value is the inverse of speed in // moves/msec expressed in msec/move.double elapsedTimeTarget; //-------------------------------------------------////Position property accessor public Vector2 Position {get { return position;} set {position = value; }//end set}//end Position property accessor //-------------------------------------------------////WindowSize property accessor public Point WindowSize {set { windowSize = value;}//end set }//end WindowSize property accessor//-------------------------------------------------// //Direction property accessorpublic Vector2 Direction { get {return direction; }set { direction = value;}//end set }//end Direction property accessor//-------------------------------------------------// //Speed property accessor. The set side should be// called with speed in moves/msec. The get side // returns speed moves/msec.public double Speed { get {//Convert from elapsed time in msec/move to // speed in moves/msec.return elapsedTimeTarget/1000; }set { //Convert from speed in moves/msec to// elapsed time in msec/move. elapsedTimeTarget = 1000/value;}//end set }//end Speed property accessor//-------------------------------------------------// //This constructor loads an image for the sprite// when it is instantiated. Therefore, it requires // an asset name for the image and a reference to a// ContentManager object. //Requires a reference to a Random object. Should// use the same Random object for all sprites to // avoid getting the same sequence for different// sprites. public Sprite(String assetName,ContentManager contentManager, Random random) {image = contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(assetName); this.random = random;}//end constructor //-------------------------------------------------////This method can be called to load a new image // for the sprite.public void SetImage(String assetName, ContentManager contentManager) {image = contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(assetName); }//end SetImage//-------------------------------------------------// //This method causes the sprite to move in the// direction of the direction vector if the elapsed // time since the last move exceeds the elapsed// time target based on the specified speed. public void Move(GameTime gameTime) {//Accumulate elapsed time since the last move. elapsedTime +=gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if(elapsedTime>elapsedTimeTarget){ //It's time to make a move. Set the elapsed// time to a value that will attempt to produce// the specified speed on the average. elapsedTime -= elapsedTimeTarget;//Add the direction vector to the position // vector to get a new position vector.position = Vector2.Add(position,direction); //Check for a collision with an edge of the game// window. If the sprite reaches an edge, cause // the sprite to wrap around and reappear at the// other edge, moving at the same speed in a // different direction within the same quadrant// as before. if(position.X<-image.Width){ position.X = windowSize.X;NewDirection(); }//end ifif(position.X>windowSize.X){ position.X = -image.Width/2;NewDirection(); }//end ifif(position.Y<-image.Height) { position.Y = windowSize.Y;NewDirection(); }//end ifif(position.Y>windowSize.Y){ position.Y = -image.Height / 2;NewDirection(); }//end if on position.Y}//end if on elapsed time }//end Move//-------------------------------------------------// //This method determines the length of the current// direction vector along with the signs of the X // and Y components of the current direction vector.// It computes a new direction vector of the same // length with the X and Y components having random// lengths and the same signs. //Note that random.NextDouble returns a// pseudo-random value, uniformly distributed // between 0.0 and 1.0.private void NewDirection() { //Get information about the current direction// vector. double length = Math.Sqrt(direction.X * direction.X + direction.Y * direction.Y);Boolean xNegative = (direction.X<0)?true:false; Boolean yNegative = (direction.Y<0)?true:false; //Compute a new X component as a random portion of// the vector length. direction.X =(float)(length * random.NextDouble()); //Compute a corresponding Y component that will// keep the same vector length. direction.Y = (float)Math.Sqrt(length*length -direction.X*direction.X); //Set the signs on the X and Y components to match// the signs from the original direction vector. if(xNegative)direction.X = -direction.X; if(yNegative)direction.Y = -direction.Y; }//end NewDirection//-------------------------------------------------// public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) {//Call the simplest available version of // SpriteBatch.DrawspriteBatch.Draw(image,position,Color.White); }//end Draw method//-------------------------------------------------// }//end class}//end namespace

Listing 20 . The class named Game1 for the project named XNA0128Proj.

/*Project XNA0128Proj * This project demonstrates how to integrate space* rocks, power pills, and ufos in a program using * objects of a Sprite class. This could be the* beginnings of a space game. * *****************************************************/using System; using System.Collections.Generic;using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;using XNA0128Proj; namespace XNA0128Proj {public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game { GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;SpriteBatch spriteBatch; //Use the following values to set the size of the// client area of the game window. The actual window // with its frame is somewhat larger depending on// the OS display options. On my machine with its // current display options, these dimensions// produce a 1024x768 game window. int windowWidth = 1017;int windowHeight = 738; //This is the length of the greatest distance in// pixels that any sprite will move in a single // frame of the game loop.double maxVectorLength = 5.0; //References to the space rocks are stored in this// List object. List<Sprite>rocks = new List<Sprite>(); int numRocks = 24;//Number of rocks.//The following value should never exceed 60 moves // per second unless the default frame rate is also// increased to more than 60 frames per second. double maxRockSpeed = 50;//frames per second//References to the power pills are stored in // this List.List<Sprite>pills = new List<Sprite>(); int numPills = 12;//Number of pills.double maxPillSpeed = 40;//moves per second //References to the UFOs are stored in this List.List<Sprite>ufos = new List<Sprite>(); int numUfos = 6;//Max number of ufosdouble maxUfoSpeed = 30; //Random number generator. It is best to use a single// object of the Random class to avoid the // possibility of using different streams that// produce the same sequence of values. //Note that the random.NextDouble() method produces// a pseudo-random value where the sequence of values // is uniformly distributed between 0.0 and 1.0.Random random = new Random(); //-------------------------------------------------//public Game1() {//constructor graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; //Set the size of the game window.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = windowWidth; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = windowHeight;}//end constructor //-------------------------------------------------//protected override void Initialize() { //No initialization required.base.Initialize(); }//end Initialize//-------------------------------------------------// protected override void LoadContent() {spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); //Instantiate all of the rocks and cause them to// move from left to right, top to // bottom. Pass a reference to the same Random// object to all of the sprites. for(int cnt = 0;cnt<numRocks;cnt++){ rocks.Add(new Sprite("Rock",Content,random));//Set the position of the current rock at a // random location within the game window.rocks[cnt].Position = new Vector2((float)(windowWidth * random.NextDouble()), (float)(windowHeight * random.NextDouble()));//Get a direction vector for the current rock. // Make both components positive to cause the// vector to point down and to the right. rocks[cnt].Direction = DirectionVector( (float)maxVectorLength,(float)(maxVectorLength * random.NextDouble()), false,//xNegfalse);//yNeg //Notify the Sprite object of the size of the// game window. rocks[cnt].WindowSize = new Point(windowWidth,windowHeight);//Set the speed in moves per second for the // current sprite to a random value between// maxRockSpeed/2 and maxRockSpeed. rocks[cnt].Speed = maxRockSpeed/2 + maxRockSpeed * random.NextDouble()/2;}//end for loop //Use the same process to instantiate all of the// power pills and cause them to move from right // to left, top to bottom.for(int cnt = 0;cnt<numPills;cnt++) { pills.Add(new Sprite("ball",Content,random));pills[cnt].Position = new Vector2((float)(windowWidth * random.NextDouble()), (float)(windowHeight * random.NextDouble()));pills[cnt].Direction = DirectionVector((float)maxVectorLength, (float)(maxVectorLength * random.NextDouble()),true,//xNeg false);//yNegpills[cnt].WindowSize =new Point(windowWidth,windowHeight);pills[cnt].Speed = maxPillSpeed/2+ maxPillSpeed * random.NextDouble()/2; }//end for loop//Use the same process to instantiate all of the // ufos and cause them to move from right to left,// bottom to top. for(int cnt = 0;cnt<numUfos;cnt++) { ufos.Add(new Sprite("ufo",Content,random));ufos[cnt].Position = new Vector2((float)(windowWidth * random.NextDouble()), (float)(windowHeight * random.NextDouble()));ufos[cnt].Direction = DirectionVector((float)maxVectorLength, (float)(maxVectorLength * random.NextDouble()),true,//xNeg true);//yNegufos[cnt].WindowSize =new Point(windowWidth,windowHeight); ufos[cnt].Speed = maxUfoSpeed/2 + maxUfoSpeed * random.NextDouble()/2;}//end for loop }//end LoadContent//-------------------------------------------------// //This method returns a direction vector given the// length of the vector, the length of the // X component, the sign of the X component, and the// sign of the Y component. Set negX and/or negY to // true to cause them to be negative. By adjusting// the signs on the X and Y components, the vector // can be caused to point into any of the four// quadrants. private Vector2 DirectionVector(float vecLen,float xLen, Boolean negX,Boolean negY){ Vector2 result = new Vector2(xLen,0);result.Y = (float)Math.Sqrt(vecLen*vecLen - xLen*xLen);if(negX) result.X = -result.X;if(negY) result.Y = -result.Y;return result; }//end DirectionVector//-------------------------------------------------// protected override void UnloadContent() {//No content unload required. }//end unloadContent//-------------------------------------------------// protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) {//Tell all the rocks in the list to move. for(int cnt = 0;cnt<rocks.Count;cnt++) { rocks[cnt].Move(gameTime); }//end for loop//Tell all the power pills in the list to move. for(int cnt = 0;cnt<pills.Count;cnt++) { pills[cnt].Move(gameTime); }//end for loop//Tell all the ufos in the list to move. for(int cnt = 0;cnt<ufos.Count;cnt++) { ufos[cnt].Move(gameTime); }//end for loopbase.Update(gameTime); }//end Update method//-------------------------------------------------// protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) {GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); spriteBatch.Begin();//Draw all rocks. for(int cnt = 0;cnt<rocks.Count;cnt++) { rocks[cnt].Draw(spriteBatch); }//end for loop//Draw all power pills. for(int cnt = 0;cnt<pills.Count;cnt++) { pills[cnt].Draw(spriteBatch); }//end for loop//Draw all ufos. for(int cnt = 0;cnt<ufos.Count;cnt++) { ufos[cnt].Draw(spriteBatch); }//end for loopspriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime);}//end Draw method //-------------------------------------------------//}//end class }//end namespace


Questions & Answers

prostaglandin and fever
Maha Reply
Discuss the differences between taste and flavor, including how other sensory inputs contribute to our  perception of flavor.
John Reply
taste refers to your understanding of the flavor . while flavor one The other hand is refers to sort of just a blend things.
While taste primarily relies on our taste buds, flavor involves a complex interplay between taste and aroma
which drugs can we use for ulcers
Ummi Reply
what is this
is a drug
of anti-ulcer
Omeprazole Cimetidine / Tagament For the complicated once ulcer - kit
what is the function of lymphatic system
Nency Reply
Not really sure
to drain extracellular fluid all over the body.
The lymphatic system plays several crucial roles in the human body, functioning as a key component of the immune system and contributing to the maintenance of fluid balance. Its main functions include: 1. Immune Response: The lymphatic system produces and transports lymphocytes, which are a type of
to transport fluids fats proteins and lymphocytes to the blood stream as lymph
what is anatomy
Oyindarmola Reply
Anatomy is the identification and description of the structures of living things
what's the difference between anatomy and physiology
Oyerinde Reply
Anatomy is the study of the structure of the body, while physiology is the study of the function of the body. Anatomy looks at the body's organs and systems, while physiology looks at how those organs and systems work together to keep the body functioning.
what is enzymes all about?
Mohammed Reply
Enzymes are proteins that help speed up chemical reactions in our bodies. Enzymes are essential for digestion, liver function and much more. Too much or too little of a certain enzyme can cause health problems
how does the stomach protect itself from the damaging effects of HCl
Wulku Reply
little girl okay how does the stomach protect itself from the damaging effect of HCL
it is because of the enzyme that the stomach produce that help the stomach from the damaging effect of HCL
function of digestive system
Ali Reply
function of digestive
the diagram of the lungs
Adaeze Reply
what is the normal body temperature
Diya Reply
37 degrees selcius
please why 37 degree selcius normal temperature
the normal temperature is 37°c or 98.6 °Fahrenheit is important for maintaining the homeostasis in the body the body regular this temperature through the process called thermoregulation which involves brain skin muscle and other organ working together to maintain stable internal temperature
37A c
what is anaemia
Diya Reply
anaemia is the decrease in RBC count hemoglobin count and PVC count
what is the pH of the vagina
Diya Reply
how does Lysin attack pathogens
I information on anatomy position and digestive system and there enzyme
Elisha Reply
anatomy of the female external genitalia
Muhammad Reply
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