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In a chemical equilibrium, the forward and reverse reactions do not stop, rather they continue to occur at the same rate, leading to constant concentrations of the reactants and the products. Plots showing how the reaction rates and concentrations change with respect to time are shown in [link] .

We can detect a state of equilibrium because the concentrations of reactants and products do not appear to change. However, it is important that we verify that the absence of change is due to equilibrium and not to a reaction rate that is so slow that changes in concentration are difficult to detect.

We use a double arrow when writing an equation for a reversible reaction. Such a reaction may or may not be at equilibrium. For example, [link] shows the reaction:

N 2 O 4 ( g ) 2 NO 2 ( g )

When we wish to speak about one particular component of a reversible reaction, we use a single arrow. For example, in the equilibrium shown in [link] , the rate of the forward reaction

2 NO 2 ( g ) N 2 O 4 ( g )

is equal to the rate of the backward reaction

N 2 O 4 ( g ) 2 NO 2 ( g )

Equilibrium and soft drinks

The connection between chemistry and carbonated soft drinks goes back to 1767, when Joseph Priestley (1733–1804; mostly known today for his role in the discovery and identification of oxygen) discovered a method of infusing water with carbon dioxide to make carbonated water. In 1772, Priestly published a paper entitled “Impregnating Water with Fixed Air.” The paper describes dripping oil of vitriol (today we call this sulfuric acid, but what a great way to describe sulfuric acid: “oil of vitriol” literally means “liquid nastiness”) onto chalk (calcium carbonate). The resulting CO 2 falls into the container of water beneath the vessel in which the initial reaction takes place; agitation helps the gaseous CO 2 mix into the liquid water.

H 2 SO 4 ( l ) + CaCO 3 ( s ) CO 2 ( g ) + H 2 O ( l ) + CaSO 4 ( a q )

Carbon dioxide is slightly soluble in water. There is an equilibrium reaction that occurs as the carbon dioxide reacts with the water to form carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ). Since carbonic acid is a weak acid, it can dissociate into protons (H + ) and hydrogen carbonate ions ( HCO 3 ) .

CO 2 ( a q ) + H 2 O ( l ) H 2 CO 3 ( a q ) HCO 3 ( a q ) + H + ( a q )

Today, CO 2 can be pressurized into soft drinks, establishing the equilibrium shown above. Once you open the beverage container, however, a cascade of equilibrium shifts occurs. First, the CO 2 gas in the air space on top of the bottle escapes, causing the equilibrium between gas-phase CO 2 and dissolved or aqueous CO 2 to shift, lowering the concentration of CO 2 in the soft drink. Less CO 2 dissolved in the liquid leads to carbonic acid decomposing to dissolved CO 2 and H 2 O. The lowered carbonic acid concentration causes a shift of the final equilibrium. As long as the soft drink is in an open container, the CO 2 bubbles up out of the beverage, releasing the gas into the air ( [link] ). With the lid off the bottle, the CO 2 reactions are no longer at equilibrium and will continue until no more of the reactants remain. This results in a soft drink with a much lowered CO 2 concentration, often referred to as “flat.”

A bottle of soda sitting on the ground is shown with a large amount of fizz-filled liquid spewing out of the top.
When a soft drink is opened, several equilibrium shifts occur. (credit: modification of work by “D Coetzee”/Flickr)

Let us consider the evaporation of bromine as a second example of a system at equilibrium.

Br 2 ( l ) Br 2 ( g )

An equilibrium can be established for a physical change—like this liquid to gas transition—as well as for a chemical reaction. [link] shows a sample of liquid bromine at equilibrium with bromine vapor in a closed container. When we pour liquid bromine into an empty bottle in which there is no bromine vapor, some liquid evaporates, the amount of liquid decreases, and the amount of vapor increases. If we cap the bottle so no vapor escapes, the amount of liquid and vapor will eventually stop changing and an equilibrium between the liquid and the vapor will be established. If the bottle were not capped, the bromine vapor would escape and no equilibrium would be reached.

A glass container is shown that is filled with an orange-brown gas and a small amount of dark orange liquid.
An equilibrium is pictured between liquid bromine, Br 2 ( l ), the dark liquid, and bromine vapor, Br 2 ( g ), the orange gas. Because the container is sealed, bromine vapor cannot escape and equilibrium is maintained. (credit: http://images-of-elements.com/bromine.php)

Key concepts and summary

A reaction is at equilibrium when the amounts of reactants or products no longer change. Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic process, meaning the rate of formation of products by the forward reaction is equal to the rate at which the products re-form reactants by the reverse reaction.

Chemistry end of chapter exercises

What does it mean to describe a reaction as “reversible”?

The reaction can proceed in both the forward and reverse directions.

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When writing an equation, how is a reversible reaction distinguished from a nonreversible reaction?

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If a reaction is reversible, when can it be said to have reached equilibrium?

When a system has reached equilibrium, no further changes in the reactant and product concentrations occur; the reactions continue to occur, but at equivalent rates.

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Is a system at equilibrium if the rate constants of the forward and reverse reactions are equal?

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If the concentrations of products and reactants are equal, is the system at equilibrium?

The concept of equilibrium does not imply equal concentrations, though it is possible.

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Questions & Answers

I'm interested in biological psychology and cognitive psychology
Tanya Reply
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sammie Reply
physiological Psychology
Nwosu Reply
How can I develope my cognitive domain
Amanyire Reply
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Dakolo Reply
Communication is effective because it allows individuals to share ideas, thoughts, and information with others.
effective communication can lead to improved outcomes in various settings, including personal relationships, business environments, and educational settings. By communicating effectively, individuals can negotiate effectively, solve problems collaboratively, and work towards common goals.
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Every time someone flushes a toilet in the apartment building, the person begins to jumb back automatically after hearing the flush, before the water temperature changes. Identify the types of learning, if it is classical conditioning identify the NS, UCS, CS and CR. If it is operant conditioning, identify the type of consequence positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement or punishment
Wekolamo Reply
please i need answer
because it helps many people around the world to understand how to interact with other people and understand them well, for example at work (job).
Manix Reply
Agreed 👍 There are many parts of our brains and behaviors, we really need to get to know. Blessings for everyone and happy Sunday!
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Isn't practices worldwide, be it psychology, be it science. isn't much just a false belief of control over something the mind cannot truly comprehend?
Simon Reply
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namakula Reply
Skinner skipped the whole unconscious phenomenon and rather emphasized on classical conditioning
explain how nature and nurture affect the development and later the productivity of an individual.
Amesalu Reply
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I am taking this course because I am hoping that I could somehow learn more about my chosen field of interest and due to the fact that being a PsyD really ignites my passion as an individual the more I hope to learn about developing and literally explore the complexity of my critical thinking skills
Zyryn Reply
and having a good philosophy of the world is like a sandwich and a peanut butter 👍
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Kelu Reply
interpersonal relationships
Abdulfatai Reply
What would be the best educational aid(s) for gifted kids/savants?
Heidi Reply
treat them normal, if they want help then give them. that will make everyone happy
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Source:  OpenStax, Chemistry. OpenStax CNX. May 20, 2015 Download for free at http://legacy.cnx.org/content/col11760/1.9
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