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2.6 Software maintenance  (Page 4/10)

Key issues in software maintenance

A number of key issues must be dealt with to ensure the effective maintenance of software. It is important to understand that software maintenance provides unique technical and management challenges for software engineers. Trying to find a fault in software containing 500K lines of code that the software engineer did not develop is a good example. Similarly, competing with software developers for resources is a constant battle. Planning for a future release, while coding the next release and sending out emergency patches for the current release, also creates a challenge. The following section presents some of the technical and management issues related to software maintenance. They have been grouped under the following topic headings:

  • Technical issues
  • Management issues
  • Cost estimation and Measures

Technical issues

Limited understanding

Limited understanding refers to how quickly a software engineer can understand where to make a change or a correction in software which this individual did not develop. Research indicates that some 40% to 60% of the maintenance effort is devoted to understanding the software to be modified. Thus, the topic of software comprehension is of great interest to software engineers. Comprehension is more difficult in text-oriented representation, in source code, for example, where it is often difficult to trace the evolution of software through its releases/versions if changes are not documented and when the developers are not available to explain it, which is often the case. Thus, software engineers may initially have a limited understanding of the software, and much has to be done to remedy this.


The cost of repeating full testing on a major piece of software can be significant in terms of time and money. Regression testing, the selective retesting of a software or component to verify that the modifications have not caused unintended effects, is important to maintenance. As well, finding time to test is often difficult. There is also the challenge of coordinating tests when different members of the maintenance team are working on different problems at the same time. When software performs critical functions, it may be impossible to bring it offline to test.

Impact analysis

Impact analysis describes how to conduct, cost effectively, a complete analysis of the impact of a change in existing software. Maintainers must possess an intimate knowledge of the software’s structure and content. They use that knowledge to perform impact analysis, which identifies all systems and software products affected by a software change request and develops an estimate of the resources needed to accomplish the change. Additionally, the risk of making the change is determined. The change request, sometimes called a modification request (MR) and often called a problem report (PR), must first be analyzed and translated into software terms. It is performed after a change request enters the software configuration management process. Arthur states that the objectives of impact analysis are:

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Read also:

OpenStax, Software engineering. OpenStax CNX. Jul 29, 2009 Download for free at
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