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2.2 Requirements analysis  (Page 5/11)

Elicitation techniques

Once the requirements sources have been identified, the software engineer can start eliciting requirements from them. This topic concentrates on techniques for getting human stakeholders to articulate their requirements. It is a very difficult area and the software engineer needs to be sensitized to the fact that (for example) users may have difficulty describing their tasks, may leave important information unstated, or may be unwilling or unable to cooperate. It is particularly important to understand that elicitation is not a passive activity, and that, even if cooperative and articulate stakeholders are available, the software engineer has to work hard to elicit the right information. A number of techniques exist for doing this, the principal ones being.

  • Interviews: a “traditional” means of eliciting requirements. It is important to understand the advantages and limitations of interviews and how they should be conducted.
  • Scenarios: a valuable means for providing context to the elicitation of user requirements. They allow the software engineer to provide a framework for questions about user tasks by permitting “what if” and “how is this done” questions to be asked. The most common type of scenario is the use case.
  • Prototypes: a valuable tool for clarifying unclear requirements. They can act in a similar way to scenarios by providing users with a context within which they can better understand what information they need to provide. There is a wide range of prototyping techniques, from paper mock-ups of screen designs to beta-test versions of software products, and a strong overlap of their use for requirements elicitation and the use of prototypes for requirements validation.
  • Facilitated meetings: The purpose of these is to try to achieve a summative effect whereby a group of people can bring more insight into their software requirements than by working individually. They can brainstorm and refine ideas which may be difficult to bring to the surface using interviews. Another advantage is that conflicting requirements surface early on in a way that lets the stakeholders recognize where there is conflict. When it works well, this technique may result in a richer and more consistent set of requirements than might otherwise be achievable. However, meetings need to be handled carefully (hence the need for a facilitator) to prevent a situation from occurring where the critical abilities of the team are eroded by group loyalty, or the requirements reflecting the concerns of a few outspoken (and perhaps senior) people are favored to the detriment of others.
  • Observation: The importance of software context within the organizational environment has led to the adaptation of observational techniques for requirements elicitation. Software engineers learn about user tasks by immersing themselves in the environment and observing how users interact with their software and with each other. These techniques are relatively expensive, but they are instructive because they illustrate that many user tasks and business processes are too subtle and complex for their actors to describe easily.
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OpenStax, Software engineering. OpenStax CNX. Jul 29, 2009 Download for free at
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