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Oral language testing at tay nguyen university  (Page 42/53)

Table 5.2: The Marking Scales for Task 2 of Sample Term 1 Achievement Speaking Test

Sample achievement speaking test for first-year students – Term 2

Task 1: The student starts the conversation to make the acquaintance of the assessor(s) at a party and then makes an invitation or an offer.

Purpose of the task:

to assess the students’ ability to interact in usual daily situations

Specified components of speaking ability to be tested:

The ability to introduce themselves and to use social language in common interactions

The place where the task occurs:

At a party

Expected duration of task performance:

About 2 minutes

Specific and understandable instructions:

Start the dialogue and make the acquaintance of the assessor(s). Then invite the assessor(s) to have something or to do something.

Areas of linguistic, pragmatic and topical knowledge adequate

Simple and common vocabulary and grammar

Functions such as greeting, addressing, making someone’s acquaintance and making invitations.

About oneself and normal daily meetings

Marking key

Students are assessed on their own performance according to the criteria in the marking scales in the table 5.3 below

MARKING SCALES – TASK 1 (5 marks out of 10)

Marks Fluency Accuracy and Appropriacy of Language Pronunciation Task Achievement
5 Occasional hesitations, but not such as to impede communication Meaning is conveyed despite noticeable structural inaccuracies, lack of vocabulary Generally easy to understand despite L1 accent Tasks dealt with adequately
4 Hesitation often demands unreasonable patience of listener. Meaning occasionally obscured by structural inaccuracies and limited vocabulary L1 interference occasionally causes difficulty in understanding Limited ability to deal with tasks
3 Speech very disconnected and difficult to follow Frequently incomprehensible because of limited vocabulary and numerous structural errors Frequently impossible to understand Ineffective handling of tasks
2-1 No connected speech. Incomprehensible because of insufficient vocabulary and gross structural errors Impossible to understand Unable to deal with tasks

Table 5.3: The Marking Scales for Task 1 of Sample Term 2 Achievement Speaking Test

Task 2: Talking about your next summer vacation

Purpose of the task:

to assess the students’ ability to use English to take a bit transactional long turns, ie. to communicate some information.

Specified components of speaking ability to be tested:

The ability to make an oral presentation on their future intentions

The place where the task occurs:

In the classroom

Expected duration of task performance:

About 4 minutes

Specific and understandable instructions:

Tell the assessors about your next summer vacation such as where to go, what to do, why you want to do so and how long to stay there. Your talk is about 150 words or less.

Areas of linguistic, pragmatic and topical knowledge adequate

Simple and common vocabulary and grammatical structures

Functions such as starting and closing a presentation

About oneself, future plans and hobbies

Marking key

Students are assessed on their own performance according to the criteria in the marking scales in the table 5.4 on page 71

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OpenStax, Collection. OpenStax CNX. Dec 22, 2010 Download for free at
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