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4.3 Binary search tree  (Page 2/3)

package brs.visitor;import brs.*; import java.util.*;/*** Inserts an Object into the host maintaining the host's binary search * tree property via a given Comparator.* Can also be used for Comparable objects. * Duplication is not allowed: replaces old data object with the new one.*/ public class BSTInserter implements IVisitor {private Comparator _order;/** * Used when the items in the tree are Comparable objects.*/ public BSTInserter() {_order = new Comparator() { public int compare(Object x, Object y) {return ((Comparable)x).compareTo(y); }}; } /** * Used to order the items according to a given Comparator.* @param order a total ordering on the items to be stored in the tree.*/ public BSTInserter (Comparator order) {_order = order; }/*** Returns the host tree where the input is inserted as the root. * @param host an empty binary tree, which obviously satisfies BSTP.* @param input[0] new data to be inserted.* @return host (which is no longer empty). */public Object emptyCase(BiTree host, Object... input) { host.insertRoot (input[0]); return host;}/** * If the input is equal to host.getRootDat) then the old root data* is replaced by input. Equality here is implicitly defined by the * total ordering represented by the Comparator _order.* @param host non-empty and satisfies BSTP. * @param input[0]new data to be inserted. * @return the tree where input[0]is inserted as the root. */public Object nonEmptyCase(BiTree host, Object... input) { Object root = host.getRootDat();if ([0], root)<0) { return host.getLeftSubTree().execute(this, input[0]); }if ([0], root)>0) { return host.getRightSubTree().execute(this, input[0]); }host.setRootDat(input[0]);return host; }}

3. binary search tree lookup

Suppose we have a binary search tree based on a given Comparator ordering.  The following algorithm will allow us to lookup and retrieve a particular data object from the tree.  This algorithm also works for binary search tree containing Comparable objects.

package brs.visitor; import brs.*;import java.util.*;/** * Finds a data object in a binary host tree that satisfies the* Binary Search Tree Property. * The algorithm is similar to that of insertion.*/ public class BSTFinder implements IVisitor {private Comparator _order; /*** Used when the items in the tree are Comparable objects. */public BSTFinder() { _order = new Comparator() {public int compare(Object x, Object y) { return ((Comparable)x).compareTo(y);} };} /** * Used when the items are ordered according to a given Comparator.* @param order a total ordering on the items stored in the tree. */public BSTFinder(Comparator order) { _order = order;}/** * Returns the empty host tree itself.* @param host an empty binary (which obviously satisfies the * Binary Search Tree Property).* @param nu not used * @return BiTree the empty host tree.*/ public Object emptyCase(BiTree host, Object... nu) {return host; }/*** Returns the tree such that whose root, if it exists, is equal to input * via the given Comparator _order.* @param host non empty and satisfies BSTP. * @param input[0]object to be looked up. * @return BiTree*/ public Object nonEmptyCase(BiTree host, Object... input) {Object root = host.getRootDat(); if ([0], root)<0) { return host.getLeftSubTree().execute(this, input[0]); }if ([0], root)>0) { return host.getRightSubTree().execute(this, input[0]); }return host; }}
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OpenStax, Principles of object-oriented programming. OpenStax CNX. May 10, 2013 Download for free at
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