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4.2 A fitness programme for cycling

Life orientation

Grade 7

Physical development and movement

Module 16

A fitness programme for cycling

[lo 4.3]

  • Cycling is one of the healthiest and most pleasant ways of achieving fitness.
  • You don’t need an expensive bicycle to become fit for cycling.
  • If this programme is followed at school, groups of 2 - 4 can take turns in using the same cycle. Encourage learners to bring their own cycles to school.

A 12 - week cycling programme, adapted from Die Burger (11 September 2002) is set out below.

The programme has been divided into four macro cycles. These macro cycles are followed by a mandatory period of rest that gives the body a chance to recover and to rebuild in preparation for the next level.

Macro cycle (consists of three weeks followed by four days of complete rest)

NB. It is of vital importance to warm up for 10 - 15 minutes before a practice session and to cool down afterwards.

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
Half an hour at amedium pace Half anhour at a light ormoderate pace Day of rest One hour:Combina-tion of jogging, light and speed cycling sessions 2 times 15 2 times 15medium speed-sessions Day of rest Half an hour at amedium pace
or or as well or
3 times10 min. speed-sessions 2 times15 min.medium speed-sessions Steady light pace cycling session 3 times10 min. speed-sessions


Learning outcomes(LOs)
LO 4
P HYSICAL D EVELOPMENT A ND M OVEMENTThe learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of, and participate in, activities that promote movement and physical development.
Assessment standards(ASs)
We know this when the learner:
4.1 participates in an outdoor adventure programme through orienteering in different environments;
4.2 performs a sequence of physical activities including rotation, elevation and balance movements;
4.3 participates in and reports on a fitness programme;
4.4 designs and plays a game that includes the concept of invasion;
4.5 investigates fair play in a variety of athletic and sport activities.
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Read also:

OpenStax, Life orientation grade 7. OpenStax CNX. Sep 10, 2009 Download for free at
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