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4.10 Long, long ago - my project on dinosaurs

English home language

Long, long ago

Educator section


For the Educator:

The ICS modules for Grade 3 encourage learners to do extensive reading, both fiction and non-fiction. They are given frequent opportunities to write and develop their vocabulary and language use. These developing skills are supported by techniques and strategies to develop phonic awareness. Word recognition and comprehension skills are practised and phonics systematically introduced and consolidated.

The learning outcomes for Grade 3 are purposefully integrated to enable learners to write about texts which they have listened to, discussed and read.

The topics chosen for the modules are of interest to the Grade 3 learner, within their range of experience and other learning areas, namely, Life Orientation and Mathematics are well integrated.

Learners in Grade 3 use their communication skills more effectively and given the opportunity, these can overcome social, cultural and language boundaries. They become more sensitive to the needs of everyone around them.

All aspects of language learning as described in the learning outcomes and assessment standards for Grade 3 have been covered in these eight ICS modules. By reinforcing, consolidating and applying these supported by the Critical and Developmental Outcomes, the learners will be able to think and reason in their home language.

Time scheduled for the modules

All learners should work through all eight modules as the phonics and cursive writing requirements are spread over these modules. The educator should however allow learners to complete them at their own pace namely ± two modules per term.

The poem “Wishes” lends itself to discussion on what the learners will wish for:

An opportunity is given for writing their own “wishing” poem.

Learners at this age are usually very interested in dinosaurs and they listen to the factual writing on different kinds of dinosaurs as the educator reads it. Pictures illustrating these dinosaurs are available for them to refer to.

They use the dictionary to find out the meaning of difficult words and write short paragraphs on the similarities and differences between different kinds of dinosaurs.

Module 8 contains detailed instructions on how learners are to complete a project.

The story of Thunder follows.

Thunder and Spiky his friend, have an adventure and fly off in time. The learners have a problem when Thunder and Spiky turn up and ask to be taken home.

Learners themselves write an ending to the story.

More proverbs are discussed and a reading game is included.

  • Phonics: Learners learn plurals of words ending in “ ey ” and “ y ” and words that end in “ dge ” and “ tion ”.

Integration of themes

  • A healthy environment

Learners find out how a healthy environment can support life but life becomes extinct when catastrophies occur.

  • Human rights

Thunder and Spiky have caring, protecting parents as should be the case for all children.

  • Social Justice

When the two dinosaurs have to be cared for, learners become sensitive to differences between their needs and those of the learners. in the same way people are different but in spite of their differences they should be treated with respect and their feelings taken into consideration.

Leaner section


My project on dinosaurs

  • Read these instructions carefully.
  • Visit the library and find books or magazines on dinosaurs. Read them and study the pictures.
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Read also:

OpenStax, English home language grade 3. OpenStax CNX. Sep 22, 2009 Download for free at
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