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3.4 Gender equality in sport

Life orientation

Grade 9

Physical fitness and mobility

Module 21

Gender equality in sport


To investigate gender equality in specific sports and to report about it

[LO 4.5]

Research assignment:

  • Compile a list of all the well-known South African sports. Indicate which of these sports are practised mainly by men and which mainly by women. Then select two of these “gender-linked” sports and examine them with regard to the following:

Reasons why this sport is practised mainly by members of a particular gender.

What measure of interest is shown in this particular sport by members of the other gender.

Whether any attempts have already been made to achieve a greater degree of gender equality in these sports, and, if there have been such attempts, which obstacles still exist.

What, in your opinion, should be done in this regard.


Learning outcomes (LOs)

LO 4

Physical development and movement

The learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of, and participate in, activities that promote movement and physical development.

Assessment standards (ASs)

We know this when the learner :

4.2 refines and evaluates own and peer move

ment performance including rotation, balance and elevation;

4.3 assesses own physical wellness level and sets personal goals for improvement;

4.4 critically evaluates and executes a game plan for individual or team sport;

4.5 reports on and discusses sport ethics.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Life orientation grade 9. OpenStax CNX. Sep 15, 2009 Download for free at
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