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3.1 Heroes - my hero

English home language


Educator section


To the educator

Using progress reports and profiles of the learners in Grade 1, the Grade 2 educator can assess the ability of each learner in the class.

The Grade 2 educator also needs to know which work has been covered in Grade 1 so that she can revise, consolidate and re-teach where necessary, before proceeding to the Grade 2 phonics, writing, reading etc. Make sure the learners understand the written instructions on each page. The learners furthermore need to know where and when to go for help when doing written work e.g. finding out how to spell a word etc.

The slower learners need continual support whereas the fast learners can be given additional work based on the activities for further stimulation.

Time schedule for the modules 1 – 7

All learners should complete all seven modules during the year. Allow them to progress at their own speed covering ± one and a half modules per term.

The different stories of heroes initiate interesting activities for the learners. The term “hero” is discussed and different “heroes” are discussed.

Opportunity is given for research from newspapers and their imagination is stimulated as they create, describe and illustrate their own heroes.

  • Phonics:

ea as in leaf

ea as in bread

ea as in ear

ea as in pear

oi and oy

integration of themes

  • Inclusivity


  • What is a “hero”?
  • Who can be a “hero”?
  • Can animals also be heroes?

Discuss how Smarty was a hero, i.e. doing a brave deed. Often a hero would help without consideration of his own safety. In this respect Smarty was not really a hero, but he was brave because he had to face Dad’s “wrath” in order to be able to save Josh.

Anybody can be a hero if they do something brave – even a dog like Smarty. Because we read about some of the very brave things that people do, we often think that we could never be heroes. Encourage the children to look in the local paper for some brave deeds that ordinary people have done. Let them read or re-tell the tale to the class. Use the following planning sheet.

Sometimes heroic deeds stand out and become part of folklore. Read the following two tales of heroes. Robin Hood has become a legendary hero, but such a character may have existed. Klara Majola is a true tale, which can inspire future generations.

Leaner section


My hero

1. Who is the hero of your story?


2. Where did the story take place?


3. What did the hero do?




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Read also:

OpenStax, English home language grade 2. OpenStax CNX. Sep 22, 2009 Download for free at
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