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2.9 The shoplifter

English first additional language

Grade 4

Shopping and spending

Module 17

The shoplifter

Activity 1

To summarise a story with support [lo 1.1.2]

To predict what will happen next [lo 1.1.4]

To discuss ethical and social issues [lo 1.1.6]

In this module we are going to be busy with shopping, the different types of shops and the things we can buy. Your educator will read an incomplete story to you …listen carefully!

a) Now answer the following questions:

i) On what date did this story take place?


ii) Why were they at the shopping centre?


iii) What was the name of the first shop that they went to?


iv) How much time did they spend in this shop?


v) What is a department store?


vi) Which section did the twins go to?


vii) Why were they suddenly without their parents?


viii) How was the stranger dressed?


ix) What did the stranger do that was wrong?


x) What did the twins decide to do?


xi) What the stranger did was wrong. Why, do you think?


xii) What do you think should happen to the stranger because of what he did?


In your groups discuss the following questions and decide what happened next. Complete the story and present it to the class. You can vote to decide whose story has the best ending.

i) Why did the twins not stay together in the toyshop?


ii) What does it mean to make up your mind?


iii) What does it mean when we say: “Let’s keep an eye on him”.


iv) Why is shoplifting wrong and dangerous.


v) Plan your ending to the story.


Activity 2

To choose a title [lo 3.1.1]

To notice how characters and plots are constructed [lo 3.1.3]

To notice the role that pictures play [lo3.1.4]

To recall and describe a sequence of actions [lo 2.3.1]


I like to go shopping with my mother on a Friday afternoon or a Saturday morning. During the week I am too busy to go to the shops, because I have so many things to do at school. Mother is also very busy during the week and she is usually in a hurry, so she does not want me to go with her. She says I waste too much time because I always want to look at everything one can buy in the shops.

When we go shopping my mother always has a list of all the things she needs to buy. When we go shopping at the supermarket, it is my job to push the trolley. Mother looks at the prices of the items on the shelves. When she has decided what to take, she puts it in the trolley. She always lets me buy a packet of the sweets I like best. There are many other customers in the shop and I must be careful not to bump into someone else with my trolley.

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OpenStax, English first additional language grade 4. OpenStax CNX. Sep 18, 2009 Download for free at
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