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2.5 Making  (Page 2/2)

Assignment 5:

[lo 1.7]

How do you cover a toothpaste box?

  1. Open out the box carefully. Now you have a net .
  2. Completely cover the outside of the box with good strong glue .
  3. Place the net with the right side down on the wrong side of a sheet of wrapping paper of A4 size.
  4. Gently rub out all air bubbles and see to it that the surfaces are all even. Wait for a while for the glue to dry properly. Put a large, heavy book on top.
  5. Now cut all around the edges of the net and ensure that there is no superfluous wrapping paper.
  6. Glue the box together as it was before you opened it out. Fold it into its original shape and let it dry. Make sure that the edges of the box are nice and even. Now you have an attractively covered box for your rules and accessories.


It is important to evaluate your work, not only to learn from your mistakes, but also to be able to feel proud when you have completed a task successfully.


LO 1

Technological Processes and Skills

The learner will be able to apply technological processes and skills ethically and responsibly using appropriate information and communication technologies.

We know this when the learner:

1.1 finds out about the background context (e.g. people, environment, nature of the need) when given a problem, need or opportunity and lists the advantages and disadvantages that a technological solution might bring to people;

1.2 finds out about existing products relevant to a problem, need or opportunity, and identifies some design aspects (e.g. who it is for, what it looks like, what it is for, what it is made of);

1.3 performs, where appropriate, scientific investigations about concepts relevant to a problem, need or opportunity using science process skills:

  • planning investigations;
  • conducting investigations;
  • processing and interpreting data;
  • evaluating and communicating findings;
  • writes or communicates, with assistance, a short and clear statement (design brief) related to a given problem, need or opportunity that demonstrates some understanding of the technological purposes of the solution;

1.5 suggests and records at least two alternative solutions to the problem, need or opportunity that link to the design brief and to given specifications and constraints (e.g. people, purpose, environment);

1.6 chooses one of these solutions, giving reasons for the choice, and develops the idea further;

1.7 outlines a plan that shows the steps for making, including drawing or sketches of main parts;

1.8 uses suitable tools and materials to make products by measuring, marking out, cutting or separating, shaping or forming, joining or combining, and finishing the chosen material;

1.9 works neatly and safely, ensuring minimum waste of material;

1.10 evaluates, with assistance, the product according to the design brief and given specifications and constraints (e.g. people, purpose, environment), and suggests improvements and modifications if necessary;

1.11 evaluates the plan of action followed and suggests improvements and modifications if necessary;

1.12 produces labelled two-dimensional drawings enhanced with colour where appropriate.


Assignment 1

(Refer to Assignment 1 [requirements] under Design)

(a) (possible answers) thick cardboard; a clean, white page; wrapping paper; glue, an empty box

(b) measure, cut, draw, write, colour in, cover, glue, fold, trace, paste, store

(c) ruler, protractor, compasses, Koki pens, pencil, rubber, colouring-pencils, scissors, stencil

(d) answers may vary

(e) answers may vary

Assignment 2

Learner must answer these questions later and all answers should be very good.

Assignment 3

Redraw design five times bigger

Assignment 4

Assignment 5 of the design is now refined and rewritten.

Assignment 5

After completion of each learner’s box, the teacher can assess the product by making use of the instructions (or each step that was followed).

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Read also:

OpenStax, Technology grade 5. OpenStax CNX. Sep 23, 2009 Download for free at
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