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2.29 Activity: to calculate by selecting operations appropriate


Common and decimal fractions

Common fractions

Educator section



The learning programme for grade six consists of five modules:

1. Number concept, Addition and Subtraction

2. Multiplication and Division

3. Fractions and Decimal fractions

4. Measurement and Time

5. Geometry; Data handling and Probability

  • It is important that educators complete the modules in the above sequence, as the learners will require the knowledge and skills acquired through a previous module to be able to do the work in any subsequent module.



  • This module continues the work dealt with in grade 5. Addition and subtraction of fractions are extended and calculation of a fraction of a particular amount is revised.
  • Check whether the learners know the correct terminology and are able to use the correct strategies for doing the above correctly.
  • Critical outcome 5 (Communicating effectively by using visual, symbolic and /or language skills in a variety of ways) is addressed.
  • It should be possible to work through the module in 3 weeks.
  • ** Activity 17 is designed as a portfolio task. It is a very simple task, but learners should do it neatly and accurately. They must be informed in advance of how the educator will be assessing the work.
  • This module extends the work that was done in grade 5. Learners should be able to do rounding of decimal fractions to the nearest tenth, hundredth and thousandth. Emphasise the use of the correct method (vertical) for addition and subtraction. Also spend sufficient time on the multiplication and division of decimal fractions.
  • As learners usually have difficulty with the latter, you could allow 3 to 4 weeks for this section of the work.
  • ** Activity 19 is a task for the portfolio. The assignment is fairly simple, but learners should complete it neatly and accurately. They must be informed in advance of how the educator will be assessing the work.

Leaner section


Activity: to calculate by selecting operations appropriate to solving problems [lo 1.8.3]

You have to work in groups of three for this activity. Ask your educator for the paper that you will need. Read the questions attentively and show the operations that you use for calculating the answers:

1. Mrs Samuels buys one third of a metre of pink material and five sixths of a metre of purple material. How many metres of material does she have to make cushions for her class?

2. The Jansen family is picnicking. If Dad eats a quarter of the food, Mom eats three eighths of it and Sarah two eighths, will there be any left for you to eat?

3. The Grade 6 learners have been asked to establish a vegetable garden at the school. If they plant half of the garden with carrots, two sixths with potatoes and one twelfth with spinach, what fraction of the whole garden has been planted?

4. Because they have worked so hard in the garden, the classes are rewarded. The 6A class drinks four and one fifth litres of cold drink; the 6B class drinks five and four tenths litres of cold drink and the 6C class drinks three and two thirds litres. How many litres of cold drink did the school provide for the learners?

5. Explain how your group calculated the answers to the rest of the class.

6. Compare your methods. How do they differ?

Time for self-assessment

Assess your work on a scale of 1 - 4 by circling the appropriate number:

1 = not at all 2 = just a little 3 = good 4 = outstanding

All group members participated in the activities. 1 2 3 4
Group members listened to one another. 1 2 3 4
Group members helped and encouraged each other. 1 2 3 4
Group members adhered to the instructions. 1 2 3 4
Each one had a chance to speak. 1 2 3 4
The group’s work was neatly done. 1 2 3 4
The answers were calculated correctly. 1 2 3 4


Learning Outcome 1: The learner will be able to recognise, describe and represent numbers and their relationships, and to count, estimate, calculate and check with competence and confidence in solving problems.

Assessment Standard 1.8: We know this when the learner estimates and calculates by selecting and using operations appropriate to solving problems that involve:

1.8.3 addition and subtraction of common fractions with denominators which are multiples of each other and whole numbers with common fractions (mixed numbers);

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Read also:

OpenStax, Mathematics grade 6. OpenStax CNX. Sep 10, 2009 Download for free at
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