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2.2 Chapter 9 education of immigration students in the community  (Page 9/9)

17. Translation of documents in the schools or applications for school cafeteria assistants, in addition to others applications, which are available in nine languages on the Web page

18. The publication of numerous support materials for the teaching staff and for the direct use of students: Programming of Spanish as a Second Language (Primary and Secondary); The Teaching of Spanish Through “Marinero en tierra” Theoretical and Methodological Perspective: Receptive Language, Intercultural Education, and Inclusive Contexts; The Dramatization and Education of Spanish as a Second Language; The Intercultural Education: A Challenge in Europe’s present; Multilingual Basic Vocabulary for the Teaching of Spanish (CD-Rom); “Una mano tomó la otra” (anthology poem with a methodological proposal for Secondary Education); “Poemas para inventar un mundo” (anthology poem with a methodological proposal for Education Primary), Reading and Writing in Diversity Contexts , etc.

19. Finally, the extension and the reinforcement of the network of education centers for adults as a route of permanent education to which every citizen, including immigrants, has a right. An ample range of lessons is supplied, in addition to the teaching of Spanish as a second language and the possibility of graduating from secondary education. This goal to provide immigrants with knowledge mutual to that of their neighbors best incorporates them into Madrid’s society.

With these initiatives, along with the set of actions carried out from the Council of Education in collaboration with other Councils, local administrations, nonprofit associations, and federations of students’ parents who dedicate their effort to work in this field, one hopes that they are effective for the attainment of an intercultural education that improves the educative quality, as well as the equality of opportunities for the entire population, in a way that both approaches and constitutes the habitual forms of life and education in the community of Madrid.


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Casanova, M. A. (2002). Interculturalidad y Educación: Reflexiones para la actuación en los centros docentes. El profesorado y el cambio educativo . Madrid, Spain: Fundación Hogar del Empleado.

Casanova, M. A. (2004). Evaluación y calidad de centros educativos . Madrid: La Muralla.

Lora Tamayo, G. (2003). Extranjeros en Madrid. Informe 2001-2002 . Madrid: Delegación Diocesana de Migraciones-ASTI.

Reimers, F. (2002). Distintas escuelas, diferentes oportunidades . Madrid: La Muralla.

Reyzábal, M.,&Sanz, A. (2002). Los ejes transversales, aprendizajes para la vida . Barcelona: Praxis.

Ross, J.,&Watkinson, A. (1999). La violencia en el sistema educativo. Del daño que las escuelas causan a los niños. Madrid, Spain: La Muralla.

Soriano, E. (Ed.) (2001). Identidad cultural y ciudadanía intercultural . Su contexto educativo . Madrid, Spain: La Muralla.

Stufflebeam, D.,&Shinkfield, A. (1987). Evaluación sistemática. Guía teórica y práctica . Barcelona, Spain: Paidós-MEC.

Vlachou, A. (2000 ). Caminos hacia una educación inclusiva . Madrid, Spain: La Muralla.

Ma Antonia Casanova is the general Director of promoting education at education council , Madrid, Spain.

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OpenStax, Immigration in the united states and spain: consideration for educational leaders. OpenStax CNX. Dec 20, 2009 Download for free at
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