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2.2 Audio conference bridge  (Page 7/7)

int main() {// setting up the AIC24 handle AIC24_InitDefaults(⩓hAIC24, 4, 64, r_data1, r_data2, w_data1, w_data2, process);hAIC24.Regs[0].creg6.reg6a.control_bit.mici = 0;hAIC24.Regs[0].creg6.reg6a.control_bit.inp1 = 0;hAIC24.Regs[0].creg6.reg6a.control_bit.inp2 = 0;hAIC24.Regs[0].creg6.reg6a.control_bit.inp3 = 1;hAIC24.Regs[0].creg6.reg6a.control_bit.inp4 = 0;// Starting the AIC24 AIC24_Start(⩓hAIC24);}

Each entry corresponds to a bit that determines whether it should be connected or not to the channel input Other entries were reset ('0'), as they should not be connected to the channel's input. . The names of the fields correlate to the table.

A similar procedure applies for the output channel: hAIC24.Regs[0].creg6.reg6b.control_bit.outp1 = 0;hAIC24.Regs[0].creg6.reg6b.control_bit.outp2 = 1;hAIC24.Regs[0].creg6.reg6b.control_bit.outp3 = 0;

In the case above, output of channel 0 is connected to OUTP2 (i.e. J1).

A single channel can be connected to a number of outputs. It is not recommended to connect two CODEC channels to a single output.

The default channel configuration is:

Even Channels (i.e. 0,2,…) Input: MICI

Even Channels (i.e. 0,2,…) Output: OUTP1

Odd Channels (i.e. 1,3,…) Input: INP1

Odd Channels (i.e. 1,3,…) Output: OUTP2

Switches and jumpers

Jumper settings for the aic24 evm

Jumper State
W1: Closed
W2: 2-3
W3: 1-2
W4: 1-2
W5: Closed
P1.13-P1.14: Closed
P1.9-P1.10: Closed
P1.11-P1.12: Closed

Jumper settings for the aic motherboard

Jumper State
W1: 1-2
W2: 2-3


Edma configuration

Edma receive channel configuration (register values)

Register Value Remarks
opt EDMA_OPT_PRI_LOW Low Priority (Allows other DMAs first)
EDMA_OPT_ESIZE_16BIT 16 bits elements
EDMA_OPT_2DS_NO Source not using 2D option
EDMA_OPT_SUM_NONE Source Address is fixed (The MCBSP rcv register)
EDMA_OPT_2DD_NO Destination not using 2D option
EDMA_OPT_DUM_IDX Destination address is in double index (sort) mode
EDMA_OPT_TCINT_YES Cause interrupt
EDMA_OPT_TCC_OF(0) Transfer Complete Code (given to the interrupt, set later)
EDMA_OPT_LINK_YES Use linking to another EDMA record
EDMA_OPT_FS_NO Don't use frame sync
src MCBSP_getRcvAddr(hAIC->hMcbsp) The address of the McBSP recv register
cnt EDMA_CNT_FRMCNT_OF(ChannelBufferSize – 1) The number of frames is the size of the buffer
EDMA_CNT_ELECNT_OF(TotalNumChannels) Each frame has NumChannel elements
dst EDMA_DST_OF(ReadAddr) The address of the buffer to write to
idx EDMA_IDX_FRMIDX_OF(-((ChannelBufferSize * (TotalNumChannels-1)) * 2)+2 Negative Frame Index to move us back to the next position in the first channel after each frame
EDMA_IDX_ELEIDX_OF((ChannelBufferSize * 2) Positive Element Index to move us to the next position in channel after every elemnt
rld EDMA_RLD_ELERLD_OF(TotalNumChannels) Should be the same as Element Count
EDMA_RLD_LINK_OF(LinkedRecord) The number of the next record to load (since we use double buffering the next record will point back to this one)

Edma transmit channel configuration (register values)

Register Value Remarks
opt EDMA_OPT_PRI_LOW Low Priority (Allows other DMAs first)
EDMA_OPT_ESIZE_16BIT 16 bits elements
EDMA_OPT_2DS_NO Source not using 2D option
EDMA_OPT_SUM_IDX Source address is in double index (sort)
EDMA_OPT_2DD_NO Destination not using 2D option
EDMA_OPT_DUM_NONE Destination Address is fixed (The MCBSP xmt register)
EDMA_OPT_TCINT_YES Cause interrupt
EDMA_OPT_TCC_OF(0) Transfer Complete Code (given to the interrupt, set later)
EDMA_OPT_LINK_YES Use linking to another EDMA record
EDMA_OPT_FS_NO Don't use frame sync
src EDMA_SRC_OF(WriteAddr) The address of the buffer read from
cnt EDMA_CNT_FRMCNT_OF(ChannelBufferSize – 1) Each frame has NumChannel elements
EDMA_CNT_ELECNT_OF(TotalNumChannels) Each frame has NumChannel elements
dst MCBSP_getXmtAddr(hAIC->hMcbsp) The address of the McBSP transmit register
idx EDMA_IDX_FRMIDX_OF(-((ChannelBufferSize * (TotalNumChannels-1)) * 2)+2) Negative Frame Index to move us back to the next position in the first channel after each frame
EDMA_IDX_ELEIDX_OF((ChannelBufferSize * 2)) Positive Element Index to move us to the next position in channel after every elemnt
rld EDMA_RLD_ELERLD_OF(TotalNumChannels) Should be the same as Element Count
EDMA_RLD_LINK_OF(LinkedRecord) The number of the next record to load (since we use double buffering the next record will point back to this one)

Mcbsp configuration

Mcbsp configuration (register values)

Register Value Remarks
Serial Port Control Register (SPCR) MCBSP_SPCR_FREE_YES Used for emulation
MCBSP_SPCR_SOFT_YES Used for emulation
MCBSP_SPCR_FRST_YES Frame sync generator is in reset (generated by master CODEC)
MCBSP_SPCR_GRST_YES Sample rate generator is in reset (generated by master CODEC)
MCBSP_SPCR_XINTM_FRM The transmit interrupt is driven by new frame sync
MCBSP_SPCR_XSYNCERR_NO No synchronization error detected
MCBSP_SPCR_XRST_YES The serial port transmitter is disabled and in reset state
MCBSP_SPCR_DLB_OFF Digital Loopback mode off
MCBSP_SPCR_RJUST_RZF Receive data right-justified and zero-fill MSBSs in DRR
MCBSP_SPCR_CLKSTP_DISABLE The Clock stop mode is disabled
MCBSP_SPCR_DXENA_OFF Disable extra delay of DX
MCBSP_SPCR_RINTM_FRM Receive interrupt on new frame synch
MCBSP_SPCR_RSYNCERR_NO No synchronization error detected
MCBSP_SPCR_RRST_YES The serial port receiver is disabled and in reset state
Receive Control Register (RCR) MCBSP_RCR_RPHASE_SINGLE receive one phase only
MCBSP_RCR_RFRLEN2_OF(0) Don't Care. Phase 2 is not used
MCBSP_RCR_RWDLEN2_16BIT Don't Care. Phase 2 is not used
MCBSP_RCR_RCOMPAND_MSB No companding, data transfer starts with MSB first
MCBSP_RCR_RFIG_NO sync error doesn't cause transfer restart
MCBSP_RCR_RDATDLY_1BIT 1 bit data delay
MCBSP_RCR_RFRLEN1_OF(NumChannels-1) Each frame contains an element for each channel
MCBSP_RCR_RWDLEN1_16BIT Each sample is 16 bit
MCBSP_RCR_RWDREVRS_DISABLE Don't Care. Only 16 bit elements are used
Transmit Control Register (XCR) MCBSP_XCR_XPHASE_SINGLE Transmit one phase only
MCBSP_XCR_XFRLEN2_OF(0) Don't Care. Phase 2 is not used
MCBSP_XCR_XWDLEN2_16BIT Don't Care. Phase 2 is not used
MCBSP_XCR_XCOMPAND_MSB No companding, data transfer starts with MSB first
MCBSP_XCR_XFIG_NO sync error doesn't cause transfer restart
MCBSP_XCR_XDATDLY_1BIT 1 bit data delay
MCBSP_XCR_XFRLEN1_OF(NumChannels-1) Each frame contains an element for each channel
MCBSP_XCR_XWDLEN1_16BIT Each sample is 16bit
MCBSP_XCR_XWDREVRS_DISABLE Does not matter, we use 16 bit elements
Sample Rate Generator Register (SRGR) 0 Not used, clock and frame sync are generated by the master CODEC (The source code contains the flags but they are 0)
Pin Control Register (PCR) MCBSP_PCR_XIOEN_SP All pins are dedicated for MCBSP (Not GPIO)
MCBSP_PCR_RIOEN_SP All pins are dedicated for MCBSP (Not GPIO)
MCBSP_PCR_FSXM_EXTERNAL Transmit frame sync is generated by the master CODEC
MCBSP_PCR_FSRM_EXTERNAL Receive frame sync is generated by the master CODEC
MCBSP_PCR_CLKXM_INPUT Transmit clock sync is generated by the master CODEC
MCBSP_PCR_CLKRM_INPUT Receive clock sync is generated by the master CODEC
MCBSP_PCR_CLKSSTAT_0 Does not matter (used in GPIO)
MCBSP_PCR_DXSTAT_0 Does not matter (used in GPIO)
MCBSP_PCR_FSXP_ACTIVEHIGH Transmit frame sync is active high for AIC24
MCBSP_PCR_FSRP_ACTIVEHIGH Receive frame sync is active high for AIC24
MCBSP_PCR_CLKXP_RISING Transmit data driven on rising edge
MCBSP_PCR_CLKRP_FALLING Receive data sampled on falling edge
MCR 0 Unused
RCER 0 Unused
XCER 0 Unused
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OpenStax, From matlab and simulink to real-time with ti dsp's. OpenStax CNX. Jun 08, 2009 Download for free at
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