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2.1 To be able to summarise information  (Page 2/3)

6. Find out what major product the country produces. Bring a sample or a picture.

7. Find out which famous person originated in that country. Tell the class about him / her.

B. When the research is complete, then the final product can be presented to the class .

  • Group explains as follows:

1. The national anthem and the flag.

2. The national dress

3. The national foods

4. Some national music

5 Products

6 . Famous people from that country

Activity 3:

To be able to write longer text

[lo 4.1.1]

  • Write an essay on National Pride : What creates it, how it can be stimulated and what its affects are.
  • Consider the World Cup Rugby and Cricket, Buy South Africa campaign, flags, what it is that makes a citizen proud. And see if you can come up with some ideas of your own .

Rough draft:

Possible opening paragraph:_______________________

Some ideas on the topic: __________________________

Possible closing paragraph:________________________

Ideas on diction to use: ____________________________

Final Product:__________________________________

Activity 4:

To be able to express an opinion and give reasons

[lo 2.4.4]

  • Today, music therapy is used on patients to improve their moods and feelings and can be a very fulfilling profession. (You might like to investigate this?)
  • Bring ONE feel-good song and ONE feel-sad song with you to class, play them and explain to the class how it makes you feel. Give two or three reasons. The reasons might be related to an experience or to an event or to a person. However, try to express your feelings well.
  • Also give the name of the artist and something about him / her / them.

Name of artist:____________________

Something about them: Summarised:________________

How you feel and why:________________________

Activity 5:

To be able to use language for an impromptu oral

  • The educator will give you a topic.
  • You have a few seconds to think about it.
  • Then tell the class how you feel – in 1 minute.
  • Impromptus are used to teach you to think on your feet.


  • Take the operative words and work around those.
  • You can also:
  • try to create a pun by twisting the operative words around;
  • tell a story which brings in your topic (the easiest to do);
  • disagree with the topic;
  • explain how the topic came about in the first place;
  • make up a story around your topic (which means you can say anything !);
  • waste time by repeating the topic – SLOWLY (even as a question, a statement, a command).


LO 2


The learner will be able to communicate effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations.

We know this when the learner:

2.1 translates and interprets:

2.1.2 translates or interprets messages;

2.2 interacts in additional language:

2.2.1 uses language for a range of functions;

2.4 debates social and ethical issues by arguing persuasively and responding critically:

2.4.4 expresses opinions and supports them with reasons;

2.5 is interviewed by someone:

2.5.1 anticipates the questions that will be asked and prepares for them;

2.5.2 answers questions.

LO 3

Reading and Viewing

The learner will be able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.

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OpenStax, English first additional language grade 9. OpenStax CNX. Sep 14, 2009 Download for free at
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