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1.3 Punctuation, gender, dictionary

English first additional language

Grade 5


Module 4

Punctuation, gender, dictionary



[LO 4.5.7]


my name is gemma and i am a cute puppy what is your name i love bones shoes shells and anything that dares to move can i pounce on your tail no don’t go i want to play

Goodness me!

The silly puppy is not making sense! Hasn’t her mother taught her anything? I’ll have to teach her a thing or two.

What is Gemma doing wrong? Why is she not making sense?

Circle all the places in the speech bubbles above where capital letters have not been used:


1. the district six museum is an interesting place to visit.

2. you can visit the place from monday to friday, but not on christmas day.

3. i read that it is in buitenkant street, cape town.

4. it tells of the people who live on the slopes of table mountain.

What are the following punctuation marks called and how are they used?

a) A full stop is used at the end of a _____________ .

E.g. _________________________________________

b) ? A question mark is used at the end of a _____________.

E.g. _______________________________________

c) ! An ___________ ___________ is used to show emotion, such as anger, fear, surprise, shock.

E.g. _______________________________________


1. take a stroll up lion’s head at full moon


2. no


3. would you like to know more about robben island


4. may i book your ticket to the island


5. please let me go


6. he underwent the operation in December 1967 at groote schuur

Commas are used in various ways , such as -

  1. to separate items in a list
  2. to separate the name of the person being spoken to, from the rest of the sentence
  3. before ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in the beginning of the sentence
  4. when additional information is inserted into the sentence

Activity : Match the examples below to the rules listed above.

  • Yes, Dina Knoetze wrote a book about birds.
  • Birds, bees, squirrels, fish and butterflies can fly.
  • No, I cannot fly without wings.
  • The bat, a mammal, flies in an expert fashion.
  • Ayanda, did you know that squirrels can fly?
  • The Arctic tern, a bird, flies a distance of 40 000 km each year.
  • “The flying fish leaps out of the water to escape from enemies, John.”
  • Nature has designed birds, animals, insects and plants in such a way that they can fly, glide or become air-borne!


(The asterisks serve as clues to help you.)

1. *you will see *camps *bay * clifton * signal *hill and the harbour *


2. *xolo * an ex-inmate * will take you on a tour of the island *


3. *no * i do not wish to go along *


4. *yes * *i don’t mind carrying the picnic basket up the mountain*


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OpenStax, English first additional language grade 5. OpenStax CNX. Sep 04, 2009 Download for free at
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