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1.2 Summer time - why the sea is salty - part 1

English home language

Summer time

Educator section


For the educator:

The ICS modules for Grade 3 encourage learners to do extensive reading, both fiction and non-fiction. They are given frequent opportunities to write and develop their vocabulary and language use. These developing skills are supported by techniques and strategies to develop phonic awareness. Word recognition and comprehension skills are practised and phonics systematically introduced and consolidated.

The learning outcomes for Grade 3 are purposefully integrated to enable learners to write about texts which they have listened to, discussed and read.

The topics chosen for the modules are of interest to the Grade 3 learner, within their range of experience and other learning areas, namely, Life Orientation and Mathematics are well integrated.

Learners in Grade 3 use their communication skills more effectively and given the opportunity, these can overcome social, cultural and language boundaries. They become more sensitive to the needs of everyone around them.

All aspects of language learning as described in the learning outcomes and assessment standards for Grade 3 have been covered in these eight ICS modules. By reinforcing, consolidating and applying these supported by the Critical and Developmental Outcomes, the learners will be able to think and reason in their home language.

Time scheduled for the modules

All learners should work through all eight modules as the phonics and cursive writing requirements are spread over these modules. The educator should however allow learners to complete them at their own pace namely ± two modules per term.

Module 3 is the first of three modules about “Midge” who is a mouse and who communicates with the learners via letters which he writes to them.

Interesting topics for discussion come up e.g.

  • Why did the mouse family leave the forest?
  • Which dangers did they encounter in the forest?
  • Will their new habitat be a safer place, etc.?

Correct punctuation is practised and learners are made aware of the use of the comma.

Pictive writing is used as a means of communication between Midge and the learners. They are challenged to read a mouse-riddle in “mouse language”.

  • Cursive writing: e , l , b , k , f , j , g , y , x , z
  • Phonics: The “ oo ” family consisting of ” oo ”, “ ew ”, “ ui ”, “ ue ” and “ ou ” as in would .

Problem solving skills are practised when learners are confronted with a problem.

Integration of themes

  • A healthy environment

Midge teaches the learners to keep their classroom environment free of pollution (noise as well as harmful, unhealthy litter).

Water conservation should be practised.

  • Social Justice

Irrespective of gender or race, there are social rules to be respected, e.g. obeying elders and taking heed of their suggestions.

  • Human Rights

Although everyone has a rights, everyone also has certain responsibilities towards their fellow beings, e.g. showing concern when they are ill, unhappy, sad or treated unkindly.

Leaner section


  • A story to read

Why the sea is salty (adapted) - part 1

One day there was a miller who had a salt grinder. It was a magic salt grinder. The miller made a lot of money with his salt grinder.

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Read also:

OpenStax, English home language grade 3. OpenStax CNX. Sep 22, 2009 Download for free at
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