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1.2 Machine learning lecture 3  (Page 2/14)

You can actually take this even further, right? Which is – let’s see. I have seven training examples here, so you can actually maybe fit up to six for the polynomial. You can actually fill a model theta zero plus theta one, X1 plus theta two, X squared plus up to theta six. X to the power of six and theta six are the polynomial to these seven data points. And if you do that you find that you come up with a model that fits your data exactly. This is where, I guess, in this example I drew, we have seven data points, so if you fit a six model polynomial you can, sort of, fit a line that passes through these seven points perfectly. And you probably find that the curve you get will look something like that. And on the one hand, this is a great model in a sense that it fits your training data perfectly. On the other hand, this is probably not a very good model in the sense that none of us seriously think that this is a very good predictor of housing prices as a function of the size of the house, right?

So we’ll actually come back to this later. It turns out of the models we have here; I feel like maybe the quadratic model fits the data best. Whereas the linear model looks like there’s actually a bit of a quadratic component in this data that the linear function is not capturing. So we’ll actually come back to this a little bit later and talk about the problems associated with fitting models that are either too simple, use two small a set of features, or on the models that are too complex and maybe use too large a set of features. Just to give these a name, we call this the problem of underfitting and, very informally, this refers to a setting where there are obvious patterns that – where there are patterns in the data that the algorithm is just failing to fit. And this problem here we refer to as overfitting and, again, very informally, this is when the algorithm is fitting the idiosyncrasies of this specific data set, right? It just so happens that of the seven houses we sampled in Portland, or wherever you collect data from, that house happens to be a bit more expensive, that house happened on the less expensive, and by fitting six for the polynomial we’re, sort of, fitting the idiosyncratic properties of this data set, rather than the true underlying trends of how housing prices vary as the function of the size of house. Okay?

So these are two very different problems. We’ll define them more formally me later and talk about how to address each of these problems, but for now I hope you appreciate that there is this issue of selecting features. So if you want to just teach us the learning problems there are a few ways to do so. We’ll talk about feature selection algorithms later this quarter as well. So automatic algorithms for choosing what features you use in a regression problem like this. What I want to do today is talk about a class of algorithms called non-parametric learning algorithms that will help to alleviate the need somewhat for you to choose features very carefully. Okay? And this leads us into our discussion of locally weighted regression. And just to define the term, linear regression, as we’ve defined it so far, is an example of a parametric learning algorithm. Parametric learning algorithm is one that’s defined as an algorithm that has a fixed number of parameters that fit to the data. Okay? So in linear regression we have a fix set of parameters theta, right? That must fit to the data. In contrast, what I’m gonna talk about now is our first non-parametric learning algorithm. The formal definition, which is not very intuitive, so I’ve replaced it with a second, say, more intuitive. The, sort of, formal definition of the non-parametric learning algorithm is that it’s an algorithm where the number of parameters goes with M, with the size of the training set. And usually it’s defined as a number of parameters grows linearly with the size of the training set. This is the formal definition. A slightly less formal definition is that the amount of stuff that your learning algorithm needs to keep around will grow linearly with the training sets or, in another way of saying it, is that this is an algorithm that we’ll need to keep around an entire training set, even after learning. Okay? So don’t worry too much about this definition. But what I want to do now is describe a specific non-parametric learning algorithm called locally weighted regression. Which also goes by a couple of other names – which also goes by the name of Loess for self-hysterical reasons. Loess is usually spelled L-O-E-S-S, sometimes spelled like that, too. I just call it locally weighted regression. So here’s the idea. This will be an algorithm that allows us to worry a little bit less about having to choose features very carefully. So for my motivating example, let’s say that I have a training site that looks like this, okay? So this is X and that’s Y. If you run linear regression on this and you fit maybe a linear function to this and you end up with a more or less flat, straight line, which is not a very good fit to this data. You can sit around and stare at this and try to decide whether the features are used right. So maybe you want to toss in a quadratic function, but this isn’t really quadratic either. So maybe you want to model this as a X plus X squared plus maybe some function of sin of X or something. You actually sit around and fiddle with features. And after a while you can probably come up with a set of features that the model is okay, but let’s talk about an algorithm that you can use without needing to do that.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Machine learning. OpenStax CNX. Oct 14, 2013 Download for free at
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