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0.62 Images of memorable cases: case 69

This 30-year-old homeless man had swollen, erythematous gums (left), scattered perifollicular hemorrhages, and extensiveecchymoses over his left leg (right). His hematocrit value was low, but his platelet and leukocyte values were normal.

69. scurvy

The triad of perifollicular hemorrhages, extensive ecchymoses, and hypertrophied, discolored gums is diagnostic of scurvy. Thispatient’s plasma and leukocyte ascorbic acid concentrations were low. With proper diet and Vitamin C supplementation, his anemia and abnormal physicalfindings promptly resolved.

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OpenStax, Images of memorable cases: 50 years at the bedside. OpenStax CNX. Dec 08, 2008 Download for free at
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