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0.3 Import microsoft word or openoffice documents

How to enter content into Connexions by importing Word documents (*.doc extension). Documents may be edited in Microsoft Word, or an open source editor like OpenOffice Writer that allows you to save a document as *.doc.


One of the easiest paths for populating a module is the Word/OOo importer, which converts a *.doc document to CNXML. The importer overwrites any existing CNXML, so it is most useful as an initial import. We suggest using the online Edit-in-Place feature to make any further edits; any re-import of a Word or OpenOffice document will erase any other changes you have made using Edit-in-Place or the Full Source Editor.

Who should use the word/ooo importer?

You should use the Word/OOo importer if you already have a Word or OpenOffice document saved that you wish to publish to the repository. The importer will correctly convert objects like section headings (designated by innate Word/OOo styles like Heading 1 or Heading 2 ), paragraphs (separated by two line breaks), tables, lists, images, footnotes, and even mathematical objects.

You can go one step further and apply the special CNXML styles in our template to your document so that you are able to import CNXML-specific objects like examples, problems, notes, citations, quotes, and more. The Word/OOo importer can produce most of the CNXML tags available for authors to use in their modules (see What can I import? below) and several combinations of tags. Any use case not available as a Word/OOo style must be added after import, either using the Edit-in-Place interface (recommended) or full-source editing.

    How does it work?

  1. First you need to apply the CNXML styles from our template to your document. We have sections below with specific instructions for both Word and OpenOffice .
  2. Next, you need to prepare your Word or OpenOffice document for import. The importer will ignore any user-defined styling, and requires specific markup in order to import other objects correct. We recommend that you read through the What can I import? section to learn what can be imported and make sure that your document has been properly prepared.
  3. Be sure to save with a *.doc extension (Windows 97-2003 compatible).
  4. Create a new blank module in one of your Work Areas.
  5. Use the importer on either the Edit or Files tab to import your saved document.

Preparing documents in microsoft word

Download a copy of the document template (*.dot) .

You may also want to download a copy of a sample document (*.doc) that has been prepared to properly exercise all the features of the template. We encourage you to have a look at the document and practice uploading it (see "Uploading Your Document" ) to get a feel for how the Word import process works.

Creating a new document with the template

To create a new document in Microsoft Word to import into Connexions, download and open either the template or the sample document from above. In Microsoft Word go to the File menu and select Save As . In the "Save As" dialog box that appears make sure that "Word Document (*.doc)" or "Word 97-2003 (*.doc)" appears in the Save as Type drop-down box. Give your document a unique name in the File Name box, and click the Save button. You have now created a new Word document with the template styles included in it. Delete the default text from the template and begin typing your document, adding styles as you go as described below .

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Read also:

OpenStax, User guide for ncpea connexions authors. OpenStax CNX. Aug 24, 2009 Download for free at
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