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0.2 Learning objects for methods in java  (Page 5/6)

This program computes the cost of a song as the product of its length in seconds and the price per second. A discount is appliedto “long” songs. A class Song is defined to encapsulate the field seconds and the methods computePrice and discount .

  • Two objects of class Song are instantiated and references to them are assigned to the variables song1 and song2 .
  • The method computePrice is called on the object referenced by song1 . In Jeliot this is visualized by an arrow to the object placed in the Expression Evaluation Area followed by a period and the method name and parameters.
  • An activation record is allocated containing two formal parameters: this is initialized by the implicit reference and pricePerSecond is initialized from the actual parameter.
  • The local variable price is declared and initialized by the expression calculated from the formal parameter pricePerSecond and the field of the object seconds that is implicitly accessed through this .
  • The method discount , declared in the same class, is invoked and returns a boolean value.A new activation is allocated for this method and deallocated when it terminates. The implicit actual parameter is this and it is used to initialize the implicit formal parameter this of the method discount .
  • The activation record for computePrice is deallocated and the value returned is stored in the variable price1 .
  • A second call to the method is executed exactly the same way, except that it is called on the object referenced by song2 .
  • The values of price1 and price2 are printed.

Exercise Modify the program so that discount does not use the explicit parameter s .


// Learning Object Method06B //    calling a method on the same objectclass Song {     int seconds;      Song(int s) {        seconds = s;     }      static int level(int n) {        return n * 100;     }      boolean discount(int s) {        return s > level(3);     }      double computePrice(double pricePerSecond) {        double price = seconds * pricePerSecond;         if (discount(seconds))            price = price * 0.9;         return price;    } }  public class Method06B {    public static void main(/* String[] args */) {        Song song1 = new Song(164);         Song song2 = new Song(403);        double price1 = song1.computePrice(0.01);         double price2 = song2.computePrice(0.01);        System.out.println(price1);         System.out.println(price2);    } }

Given a call to a method m2 within a method m1 :

void m1() {   m2();}

it is impossible to tell from the call if m2 is being implicitly called on the same object or if it is a static method defined in the class.

  • This program is a modification of the previous one: instead of comparing s with 300 in the method discount , it is compared with the value returned by the method level . It is impossible to tell from the calls alone to discount and level that the first is a call on an object while the second is a call to a static method.

Exercise Modify the calls to discount and level so that it is immediately apparent which is definitely a call on an object and which is definitely a call to a static method.

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Read also:

OpenStax, Learning objects for java (with jeliot). OpenStax CNX. Dec 28, 2009 Download for free at
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