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0.13 Sampson, p., & Roberts, k. (october 2011). historical comparison  (Page 8/14)

The different eras in educational reform are not meant to be seen as isolated reforms that were only evidenced in that time period, but are meant to show the major trend of the educational reform. The reforms should be viewed with an understanding that many reforms often came in place in a gradual manner (Tyack&Cuban, 1995 p. 47). However, the following reforms are shown for each decade in order for the reader to identify educational trends. The preparation of boys for industrial work, correspondence courses, and proper health conditions were the major reforms that impacted education during the 1900-1910 era. During the 1910-1919 era, there was also an emphasis on leisure and working conditions for children. Further the National Education Association supported better salaries for teachers. The 1920’s showed an emphasis for creativity and self-expression as important for children. The 1930’s saw a shift in power bases for education with a shift from only the elite controlling school boards and standards for school buses. The 1940s and the 1950s showed an emphasis on ability grouping as well as a clearer definition of academic subjects. Tyack and Cuban (1995) stated that it was during the 1950s that this increased definition of academic subjects was meant to increase the emphasis on the rigor of courses and especially science, math, and foreign language. During the 1960s the emphasis was on compensatory education and integration of students (Katz, 1975). According to Tyack and Cuban (1995) it was the 1960s where educational leaders found many people gaining educational reform through legislation and the judicial system (p. 53). During the 1960s and 1970s the main emphasis was on science, environment, and ecology, and there was a return to phonics instruction. This focus on a basic education included a focus on competition with individual hard work (Tyack&Cuban, 1995, p. 53). The Department of Education was established by President Carter. The education for all children including those with handicaps was passed in the 1970s. During the 1980s, there was a return to basic subjects, competency assessments, graduation requirements, and college entrance requirements. It was during the 1980s that A Nation at Risk (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983) led the examining of competencies, assessments, graduation requirements, and college entrance requirements. The school reforms emphasized standardized testing and increased academic standards through centralized control (Goodman,1995). Near the end of the 1980’sthere was an emphasis on School-Based Management and decentralized control as part of school restructuring reforms (Wohlstetter&Odden,1992). During the 1990s, content standards and national goals for education became prevalent. During the 2000s, the national involvement in education increased with the requirement of students meeting annual yearly progress. This further increase of national involvement was noted with the chartering of the New American Schools Development Corporation in 1991 and the America’s 2000 Educational strategy supported by President George Bush (Tyack&Cuban, 1995). The role of the federal government in education increased with the requirement of each state to develop standards and assessment to increase academic requirements as measured in grades four, eight, and twelve.

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OpenStax, Education leadership review special issue: portland conference, volume 12, number 3 (october 2011). OpenStax CNX. Oct 17, 2011 Download for free at
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