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0.1 Reading and math differences between hispanic and white students

We analyzed the extent to which differences were present between White students and Hispanic students in their passing rates in reading and in math over a 16-year time period across all Texas elementary schools (ns > 1,000 schools). As anticipated, White students had statistically significantly higher passing rates in both reading and math for all 16 years, with effect sizes ranging from large to small. The achievement gap was noticeably greater in reading (i.e., large effect sizes) than in math (i.e., small to moderate effect sizes). Though statewide and national efforts have been implemented in the past 16 years, the gap in passing rates still reflects a substantial lack of equity.

This manuscript has been peer-reviewed, accepted, and endorsed by the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA) as a significant contribution to the scholarship and practice of education administration. In addition to publication in the Connexions Content Commons, this module is published in the International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, Volume 6, Number 2 (April - June, 2011), ISSN 2155-9635. Formatted and edited in Connexions by Theodore Creighton, Virginia Tech, and Janet Tareilo, Stephen F. Austin State University. Brad Bizzell, Virginia Tech serves as Technical Editor.

Sumario en espanol

Analizamos el punto hasta que diferencias fueron presentes entre estudiantes Blancos y estudiantes hispanos en sus tasas pasajeras en leer y en matemáticas sobre un período de tiempo de 16 años a través de todos los escuelas de enseñanza primaria de Tejas (N>1.000 escuelas). Como estudiantes anticipados y Blancos tuvieron estadísticamente apreciablemente pasando más alto las tasas en leyendo y las matemáticas para 16 años, con tamaño de efecto que recorren de grande a pequeño. El vacío del logro fue notablemente más grande en leer (es decir, efecto grande calibra) que en matemáticas (es decir, pequeño moderar tamaño de efecto). Aunque los esfuerzos a todo el estado y nacionales han sido aplicados durante los últimos 16 años, el vacío en tasas pasajeras todavía refleja una falta substancial de equidad.

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    About the Authors

  • Ana Rojas-LeBouef is a Literacy Specialist at the Reading Center at Sam Houston State University where she teaches developmental reading courses. She recently completed her doctoral degree in Reading, where she conducted a 16-year analysis of Texas statewide data regarding the achievement gap. Her research interests lie in examining the inequities in achievement among ethnic groups. Dr. Rojas-LeBouef also assists students and faculty in their writing and statistical needs on the website Writing and Statistical Help.
  • John R. Slate is a Professor at Sam Houston State University where he teaches Basic and Advanced Statistics courses, as well as professional writing, to doctoral students in Educational Leadership and Counseling. His research interests lie in the use of educational databases, both state and national, to reform school practices. To date, he has chaired and/or served over 100 doctoral student dissertation committees. Recently, Dr. Slate created a website Writing and Statistical Help to assist students and faculty with both statistical assistance and in editing/writing their dissertations/theses and manuscripts.
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Read also:

OpenStax, The achievement gap between white and non-white students. OpenStax CNX. Jan 10, 2012 Download for free at
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