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1.1 Reading and writing  (Page 2/2)

Put the following sentences in order (sequence of events)

A propeller and engine was added, and the shape changed.

A cabin was added to the airship design.

The hot-air balloon flew for 26 minutes.

The Flyer flew successfully.

Many new hot-air balloonists took to the skies.



[LO 6.3.2]

What makes a sentence? How do we put a sentence together?

The explanation below should help …

What do these words tell you?

Is this a sentence?

So, what is your definition of a simple sentence ?

What do you think a sentence ‘should have’ in order to be a sentence?

  • an action word (a verb – it tells you what is happening)

Now complete these simple sentences by adding a telling part to each:

  1. My uncle went _____
  2. The tour guide _____
  3. Peter saw _____
  4. She paid _____
  5. Our neighbour is _____

Complete these simple sentences:

  1. _________________________________ ate fresh fish in Hout Bay.
  2. __________________________________________ patted the dog.
  3. ____________________________________________ are delicious.
  4. _______________________________________ travelled to Africa.

A, B, C . . . ORDER (Dictionary skills – to aid reading)




How would you go about arranging words in alphabetical order, in an organised fashion?

Arrange the following words in alphabetical order, according to …

… the 1 st letter … the 2 nd letter
mug steep
bug sheep
hug sleep
tug sweep
rug suite
… the 3 rd letter … the 4 th letter
enquire senorita
end sent
encore senior
enforce senator
engage sense


Not for the faint-hearted …...

Arrange the following in alphabetical order:

  1. untruth ; untuned ; untouched ; untidy
  1. zip ; zest ; zoom ; zombie ; zone
  1. songwriter ; songbird ; songbook ; songsmith


LO 3

READING AND VIEWING The learner will be able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and to respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.

We know this when the learner:

3.1 understands in a simple way some element of stories:

3.1.2 the moral of a story, where appropriate;

3.2 understands, in a simple way, some elements of poetry:

3.2.1 rhyme;

3.2.2 words which begin with the same sound;

3.2.3 words which imitate their sound;

3.3 reads for information.

3.6 reads for pleasure:

3.6.1 reads fiction and non-fiction at an appropriate reading and language level;

3.6.4 solves word puzzles;

3.7 uses reference books and develops vocabulary:

3.7.1 uses a dictionary.

LO 5

THINKING AND REASONING The learner will able to use language to think and reason, and access, process and use information for learning.

We know this when the learner:

5.2 uses language for thinking:

5.2.3 sequences things;

5.2.4 classifies things according to criteria;

5.2.8 expresses opinions and gives reasons for them;

5.2.9 discusses advantages and disadvantages;

5.3 collects and records information in different ways:

5.3.2 designs, draws and labels maps, plans, charts, graphs and diagrams.

5.4 transfers information from one mode to another:

5.4.4 does a mind map summary of a short text.

LO 6

LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND USE The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts.

We know this when the learner:

6.2 uses language forms and structures to communicate orally and in writing:

6.2.3 uses the passive voice to communicate orally and in writing: present passive voice;

6.3 understands and uses simple sentence structure:

6.3.2 analyses simple sentences (e.g. The light bulb/was invented/ in 1877);

6.4 develops own vocabulary:

6.4.1 analyses word formation;

6.4.2 uses a personal dictionary;

6.4.3 understands between 3 000 and 4 500 common spoken words in context by the end of grade 5.


Reading and comprehension

  1. air-borne : transported by air
  2. enemy: foe ; opponent ; a person openly hostile to another
  3. rudder: used for steering or guiding (on a plane or boat)

Answer the following simple questions.The sentences have been started in order to help you answer.

  • The book is called Discovering Flight.
  • The tail feathers are used to help it to twist and turn while flying.
  • The mammal is a bat.
  • This mammal’s wing is made of a thin skin.
  • One kind of insect that can fly is a moth. (dragon-fly ; bee ; butterfly ; fly)
  • A certain kind of fish can fly in order to escape from its enemies.
  • False (It does not swim around the world. It flies from the Antarctic to the Arctic and back and the distance travelled is equal to swimming around the world.)
  • False (Birds, animals, insects and plants can fly.)

CHALLENGE : Think of a suitable title for this piece of reading. Any suitable heading that is relevant to the contents of the extract, should be deemed as correct.

Discuss the assessment criteria with the learners beforehand, so that they know what to expect and where they need to focus.

Hot-air balloons: sequence of events

  1. The hot-air balloon flew for 26 minutes.
  2. Many new hot-air balloonists took to the skies.
  3. A propeller and engine was added, and the shape changed.
  4. A cabin was added to the airship design.
  5. The Flyer flew successfully.

Analysing sentences


  • Ensure that the learners understand the work before continuing. Allow the learners to put together a simple definition of a simple sentence . Use their input and guide them in the right direction, even if it means that you spend time on this section of the activity.

You might receive the following information from the learners: A simple sentence

  • starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop ;
  • contains a verb;
  • contains a subject (who or what);
  • tells you something (one idea).

Alphabetical order


Alphabetical order

… the 1 st letter … the 2 nd letter
mug bug steep sheep
bug hug sheep sleep
hug mug sleep steep
tug rug sweep suite
rug tug suite sweep
… the 3 rd letter … the 4 th letter
enquire enclose senorita senator
end end sent senior
encore enforce senior sent
enforce engage senator senorita
engage enquire sense sense

Arrange the following in alphabetical order:

  1. untidy ; untouched ; untruth ; untuned
  2. zest ; zip ; zombie ; zone ; zoom
  3. songbird ; songbook ; songsmith ; songwriter
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Read also:

OpenStax, English first additional language grade 5. OpenStax CNX. Sep 04, 2009 Download for free at
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