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Revised: Sat Oct 17 17:00:21 CDT 2015
This page is included in the following book: Digital Signal Processing - DSP
A previous module titled Fun with Java, How and Why Spectral Analysis Works explained some of the fundamentals regarding spectral analysis.
The module titled Spectrum Analysis using Java, Sampling Frequency, Folding Frequency, and the FFT Algorithm presented and explained several Java programs for doing spectral analysis, including both DFT programs and FFT programs. That module illustratedthe fundamental aspects of spectral analysis that center around the sampling frequency and the Nyquist folding frequency.
The module titled Spectrum Analysis using Java, Frequency Resolution versus Data Length used similar Java programs to explain spectral frequency resolution.
The module titled Spectrum Analysis using Java, Complex Spectrum and Phase Angle explained issues involving the complex spectrum, the phase angle, and shifts in the timedomain.
This module will illustrate and explain forward and inverse Fourier transforms using both DFT and FFT algorithms. I will also illustrate andexplain the implementation of frequency filtering by modifying the complex spectrum in the frequency domain and then transforming the modified complexspectra back into the time domain.
I recommend that you open another copy of this module in a separate browser window and use the following links to easily find and view the Figuresand Listings while you are reading about them.
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